Hi all!
This is just a quick post to show off a bit of family fun to my VOX “family” members — people I know in person and people I’ve connect with beyond the voxosphere. I hope you enjoy (some of you have seen these already)…
the simple ramblings of a boy…
Hi all!
This is just a quick post to show off a bit of family fun to my VOX “family” members — people I know in person and people I’ve connect with beyond the voxosphere. I hope you enjoy (some of you have seen these already)…
Well, this year I made the simple resolution to become happier in 2007… I already feel truely fortunate with all I have… but this weekend I’m a little bit happier… good life a little bit better… yay!
PS: I’m tentatively planning my first video post to be this week.
Okay, we hate to ask, but… over the roll or under the roll?
Okay… so I really haven’t been paying much attention to the QotD lately but I’ve been seeing almost unanamous support for OVER the roll… which I would normally agree with. In almost all cases I would want the toilet paper to hang over the roll… except if it’s the roll right next to Little “L” as I’m trying ot get him to go on the potty. All he seems to want to do is bat the roll which sends the toilet paper streaming to the ground… that’s only cute for so long… My wife “T” and I have found that by loading the toilet paper backwards so that the paper hangs under it’s not as easy for him to make a mess…
So… until the boys grow out of it… UNDER. Afterwards, OVER, OVER, OVER.
My New Year resloution is a simple general ideal with no real detailed plan of action…
I just want to be happy this year…
I want to keep on with all the things that make me happy and work at the things that don’t. I wish nothing but the best for anyone and everyone — everywhere.
Oh… and attept a video blog in the new year too… yeah…
Well… I received a letter in the mail last Friday with the appointment date and time for the consultation for my upcoming vasectomy. Yes… I’m going to get the deed done…
I have my family… I have two beautiful little boys and their wonderful mother who was willing to go through two C-sections to get them here.
At one point I felt strongly that I wanted to have more than two children… But, I tell ya… When Little “L” was born, it felt so unbelievably awesome (in the true sense of the word) that it was impossible to imagine being blessed/fortunate enough to have it happen again… Then along came Baby “X”. Now everything feels complete.
So, yeah, I’m ready… but I’m a bit nervous… I’ve never had ANY kind of operation before — I even still have my wisdom teeth — so this’ll be a new experience for me.
My consultation is not until February 13th, so, in the mean time I’ve been doing a bit of research on my own… Trying to track down some of those “Top Ten Questions” sites to see what people's main concerns/questions are so I can prepare myself for my appointment.
So far, I’ve discovered a few things:
Either way, I’ll keep you all posted on things as I discover them…
Hello all…
This festive holiday safety video made its way into my inbox this morning and I felt that it was REALLY worth sharing… Water those trees… and please forward as appropriate…
Happy Holidays fellow VOXers… stay safe… be well.
steelie & family