New Year’s Resolution underway…

Well, this year I made the simple resolution to become happier in 2007… I already feel truely fortunate with all I have… but this weekend I’m a little bit happier… good life a little bit better… yay!


PS: I’m tentatively planning my first video post to be this week.

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  1. There is nothing I want more for you, and anyone else I care for, than happiness.I wish I had that super power we always talk about.I am so glad to hear that you are having a good weekend…You are a wonderful person, and you deserve some happiness!

  2. *Woot!* Can't wait for that post!

  3. Julé: I’m going to have to steal your words here for a sec… “You are [also] one of my favourite people in the whole wide world”… you’re awesome. I truely appreciate this comment… happiness is always good… even when there are a lot of things to be happy about, it seems that a little more happiness is always welcome.Elellanyar Rilmavilyawa: Hah! you’re funny… thanks for the *Woot*… That is my first. If it goes well I may try and make video posts a regular occurrence… seeing as I type quite slowly it would be a great way to get some thoughts out quickly. I hope it doesn’t dissapoint. 😉

  4. And where's this video post? =D I wanna see… Weeee.

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