QotD: Complimentary

What is the greatest compliment you've received?
Submitted by Maraschino.  

This is a weird one to answer… it almost feels like no matter what I write will sound like a “LOOK AT ME!” response… Ahh… what the heck… I have received two different greatest compliments, one from my wife, and the other from a number of people I know:

My wife was in another relationship when we first met, she eventually dumped the guy. The reason she told me was,  “Regardless of whether you or I ever got together, I had to break up with him because you showed me that there are actually decent men out there…” (I paraphrased a bit to keep it from being to personal). I was a tad floored by this.

The other compliment I have received is… forget it… I’ve tried to type it three times and just sounds full-of-myself.


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steelie’s first video post…

Well here it is… my first video post in all it’s non glory. I mentioned earlier this week that I was planning to do a video post sometime this week so I figures I should slide it in before midnight strikes here to stay true to my word…

Please don’t expect a lot from this video post… it’s a first for me… the lighting sucks… my hair sucks… I really should have shaved… it’s not glamourous by any means… I almost rerecorded it but that would kinda defeat part of what I would like to do with my posts which would be to stay as true as possible to the moment at hand. I will lose my train of thought. I will stutter. I will get flustered. I will laugh at myself. I will annoy myself… but I will be myself.

This is steelie’s first video post… it is far from perfect… but it’s here.
Feedback and constructive criticism appreciated.


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Okay… so, I’ve just been tagged…

…by Julé, which means that I (in the spirit of fun) now have write a list of five things that nobody knows about me… I got thinking about this and have come to the conclusion that it’s not as easy as it sounds… Oh well, let’s give it a whirl…

  1. I’m one of the co-captains of my soccer team… not because I’m the best player or have exceptional skills (by any means) but because of a particular game, in a particular tournament I played in… a few players didn’t show up, including our keeper, so we had noone to go in nets. I volunteered on the basis that everyone keeps the ball out if our end because I SUCK in nets (don’t believe me? ask my wife). I started in nets and then got shuffled around the field as the other players showed up. I ended up playing EVERY position on the field that game: keeper, left & right defence, stopper, sweeper, left & right wings, centre (left & right) midfield, and left & right striker. I didn’t complain so I was made captain.

  2. I’m thirty years old and I’ve been with my wife for over a third of my life.
  3. I’m listed on IMDB.com
  4. In junoir high (grades 7-9 here) I stole a watch off the floor of our gym changing room. I felt so guilty, that I gave it away. To this day that watch still haunts me… I forever wish that I had turned it into the lost & found instead of giving it away. I don’t feel as guilty for taking it in the first place because I learned a lot about myself in that extremely brief period of time when I had a stolen watch in my posession… a watch that I stole.
  5. I am nude in at least a couple of different place on the internet… 😉

Well, that’s it… I guess I’ll tag Jared, semblance, wife, Elellanyar Rilmavilyawa, and Lauren.
Have fun.


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