Okay… so, I’ve just been tagged…

…by Julé, which means that I (in the spirit of fun) now have write a list of five things that nobody knows about me… I got thinking about this and have come to the conclusion that it’s not as easy as it sounds… Oh well, let’s give it a whirl…

  1. I’m one of the co-captains of my soccer team… not because I’m the best player or have exceptional skills (by any means) but because of a particular game, in a particular tournament I played in… a few players didn’t show up, including our keeper, so we had noone to go in nets. I volunteered on the basis that everyone keeps the ball out if our end because I SUCK in nets (don’t believe me? ask my wife). I started in nets and then got shuffled around the field as the other players showed up. I ended up playing EVERY position on the field that game: keeper, left & right defence, stopper, sweeper, left & right wings, centre (left & right) midfield, and left & right striker. I didn’t complain so I was made captain.

  2. I’m thirty years old and I’ve been with my wife for over a third of my life.
  3. I’m listed on IMDB.com
  4. In junoir high (grades 7-9 here) I stole a watch off the floor of our gym changing room. I felt so guilty, that I gave it away. To this day that watch still haunts me… I forever wish that I had turned it into the lost & found instead of giving it away. I don’t feel as guilty for taking it in the first place because I learned a lot about myself in that extremely brief period of time when I had a stolen watch in my posession… a watch that I stole.
  5. I am nude in at least a couple of different place on the internet… 😉

Well, that’s it… I guess I’ll tag Jared, semblance, wife, Elellanyar Rilmavilyawa, and Lauren.
Have fun.


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  1. Meany! What the heck am I going to write!? This is going to take up precious brain-work for at least a day…no, wait…I shouldn't complain — that means I can further avoid the annoying (brain-work) tasks I'm supposed to be doing!It's funny how the memory/story of what haunts you (the watch) will make most who read this laugh (or at least chuckle). I'm not trying to make light of your guilt (oh, I know the perils), rather point to the fact that it's really you who haunts yourself, not the watch… We do dumb things as children just to learn not to do them again. I think you're in the norm. I'll have to tell you sometime the story of my sister stealing a bracelet from Zellers!I "stole" things from the place of employment at which I met your wife (I will not name it, just in case) …well, in actuality, I was given things by Randy who clearly thought he had the right to give them away! I don't feel guilty about it but I would never do it again. It isn't right.You're gonna be a soccer dad, you know!s.

  2. I'm pretty sure I knew about number one, definitely knew about 2-4, and am incredibly intrigued and curious by number 5.

  3. Hey Steelie, just to tell you that I'm not ignoring this, but I'm busy and haven't even got time to properly blog yet…but I'll be getting to this soon. 🙂

  4. No problem… I don’t think I really expected anyone to feel they had to reply anyway… perhaps I should have mentioned. Looking forward to when you do though! Cheers.

  5. Great facts! Congrats on being with someone so long…it's great…isn' it?
    3 & 5 are very interesting…

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