Vox feedback for March 10, 2007…

Hello again…

This feedback tidbit has to do with my “Home” page when I log in… and Exploring, indirectly. I’ve been reluctant to explore Vox and add new neighbours because as of right now, the Friends & Family posts I really want to keep track of keep getting bumped by my Neighbours’ posts… What I’m really hoping can be done is some sort of filter that I could potentially adjust myself, that would allow me to chose whether I want my “New in your neighbourhood” section to show recent items from my Neighbourhood, my Friends, my Family or my Friends & Family.

Personally, I would love to be able to log-in and immediately get up-to-date on my Friends & Family. And then, if there was no action on that front, I would be able to click over and catch-up on my neighbours. As of right now, I don’t have the time to check all of my F&F’s blogs individually to see if I’ve missed anything, so I rely heavily on my “Home” page.

I’m not saying that everyone Voxes like I do but it would great to have that option. I’ve also ran this idea by a few other Voxers I know outside of the Voxosphere and they’re in favour of such a thing too.

Thanks for listening.

(I’m trying to be Voxy, honest)

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  1. I second this feedback! I love Vox, but like Steelie, I've been reluctant to do much exploring and adding beyond my current neighborhood because it's hard enough to keep track of their posts right now. I would love to be able to filter who/what appears on my homepage.
    You guys are doing an awesome job!

  2. Here here! I'm totally with you on this. It's tough keeping on top of all things Vox and I'm sad when I miss key posts from my favourite peoples. This would be a good solution! You smart!

  3. You know, steelie, after thinking about what you've posted here, I've changed my homepage of Camino to the "Voxwatch" page instead of the real Vox home. I've got it set so that I go right to the friends section (which also includes those who are family) so I can first see what they've posted. Maybe this will help — I'll try it for a bit to see what I think. That page also gives you the option to easily switch between friends, neighbourhood, and recent activity. But you're right, it would be best if somehow the Voxwatch page included the lovely featurette on the Vox home page that lists the top 5 or 6 comments that are new in your neighbourhood, or if the homepage included the same features as the Voxwatch page.

  4. Six Apart (Brandy) said:Hi [steelie],Thanks for your feedback. You may already know this, but if you click the "Friends" and "Family" links next to the Posts heading on the Home page, you'll be taken to the recent posts from those groups.Thanks,BrandyVox Helpsteelie (steelie) replied:Hi Brandy,Yes, thank you, I did know that I could do that. However, the point I was trying to make is that, if possible, I would prefer to have control over my login page because it gives an overview of “recent items” (images, media, comments and posts) from all of my neighbours where I would rather have it be an overview of my Friends & Family… or at least the choice.Or, this filtering option could appear on the VoxWatch page because as of right now, the log-in page and the VoxWatch page give you essentially the same information — neighbourhood overviews. It would be nice to be able to customize one of them.Thanks for listening.–steelie

  5. Totally in favor of this suggestion. I don't get to check Vox every day and by filtering it would make reading the updates SO much easier and convenient! Right now basically I literally go to the blog and rad up there, because otherwise it is too confusing for me when all the updates are "scrambled".I WANT THAT FILTER TOOlet's take it to the "authorities" 🙂

  6. [esto es genial]

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