Vox feedback for March 10, 2007…

Hello again…

This feedback tidbit has to do with my “Home” page when I log in… and Exploring, indirectly. I’ve been reluctant to explore Vox and add new neighbours because as of right now, the Friends & Family posts I really want to keep track of keep getting bumped by my Neighbours’ posts… What I’m really hoping can be done is some sort of filter that I could potentially adjust myself, that would allow me to chose whether I want my “New in your neighbourhood” section to show recent items from my Neighbourhood, my Friends, my Family or my Friends & Family.

Personally, I would love to be able to log-in and immediately get up-to-date on my Friends & Family. And then, if there was no action on that front, I would be able to click over and catch-up on my neighbours. As of right now, I don’t have the time to check all of my F&F’s blogs individually to see if I’ve missed anything, so I rely heavily on my “Home” page.

I’m not saying that everyone Voxes like I do but it would great to have that option. I’ve also ran this idea by a few other Voxers I know outside of the Voxosphere and they’re in favour of such a thing too.

Thanks for listening.

(I’m trying to be Voxy, honest)

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Question about viewing videos on VOX… input appreciated…

[Okay… I’ve reworked this a bit since the first time I wrote it… title included. I hope it makes more sense now]

When you go to watch a video post on someone’s VOX, how much or how little does it bother you when the video doesn’t start playing right there in the person’s blog, but instead launches a new window and plays at the video-sharing site where the video was originally posted?

There are better quality video hosting sites than iFilm and YouTube out there that are not VOX compatible but are compatable with other blog platforms (that allow unanamous comments — which is why I use them too). Instead of having to upload videos to multiple video sharing platforms to satisfy multiple blogs, would you mind if, instead of the video playing right in VOX, you were redirected to another site (VideoEgg, Revver…) to watch the video?

Any and all feedback would be appreciated… Also, it’d be great it if anyone would be willing to pass this question along… I’d be curious to see what as many people as possible thought. It will help inform how/where I’ll post videos in the future.



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“Compose” test using Apple’s Safari 2.0.4 + latest Webkit build…

Okay, I have to admit… I’ve been known to be one of those pain in the ass people who occasionally feels it necessary to inform VOX of my thoughtful suggestions to make the site better (even though the more I use it, the more I realise how much it just kicks ass). Well, I think I may have posted ± three separate ”feedbacks” complaining about how Apple’s Safari’s incompatibility with VOX has been a source of frustration for me.

As per VOX’s suggestion (every time I try to compose a post in Safari) I finally decided to try Firefox. While it does allow most/all of the composing features one would need to successfully compose a post in VOX, it is thoroughly less pleasant to deal with on a regular basis… it's clunky… it doesn't do really some really simple things that you get spoiled by over in Safari.

For example…

When you go to type in the address in the URL bar it will auto-complete the entry with your most visited site with the same spelling AND provide a pull-down list of all other options — in order of most visited by ME. With Firefox you are presented with a pull-down list of the most recent places you’ve been which rarely includes my most visited places.

In Safari, I can choose to block or un-block pop-up windows from the FILE Menu or by simply pressing a keyboard shortcut… same for emptying the cache… and deleting history can be done from the HISTORY menu. There is no need  to open the preference panel  every time you've visited your online bank and you need to empty the cache of your personal information or delete history… novel ideas, I know.

The tabbed-browsing feature has the “close tab” button on the tab itself as oppose to the other side of the screen so you can close a tab in the background by means of this little button. Plus you can toggle from tab to tab using key-commands. With Firefox, you either have to highlight the tab then go click the button to close, or you have to right-click the tab and choose close from the pop-up menu… both ways take three to four times longer — I know, I know, we're only talking seconds here but they add up to frustration and interface friction.

Of course, you can install various extension to Firefox to increase its functionality including ones for closing the tabs and adding key-commands to allow for tab-toggling but the interface is still clunky.

In Safari, one of my favourite interface features is the Address Bar which is also the Progress Bar. So, as soon as you’ve entered your destination URL and pressed enter, the blue progress bar travels along the back of the Address Bar giving immediate feedback that things are working to get you where you need to go. In Firefox the progress bar is a bout an inch wide and tucked down in the bottom corner where you have to go searching for it every time…


Following another “suggestion” from the VOX team (more like a “swim at your own risk” statement than a suggestion really) I installed the latest nightly build of Webkit which promptly crashed Safari… brilliant. After restarting, however, I was pleased to find that I can now at least use some of the basic formatting tools. Specifically, the following: bold, italics, underline, left-align, centre-align and right-align. Colour me excited…

Oh well, it is getting there, slowly but surely… just too slowly for my liking.

BTW, for any one who cares, this entry was composed entirely using Safari with the latest nightly build of Webkit, except for the hyper-links and spell-checking, which were done in TextEdit.

Goodnight all.



I did a bit of searching and it turns out that you can also download an extention that will allow Firefox to combine the Address and Progress bars and it can be found here. It is way more intuitive than Firefox’s default Progress Bar so I (personally) highly recommend it.

I guess the personal goal for this will now be to try and make Firefox as Safari-like as possible.
I’ll start a running list of all the extensions I find to make life more Safarifox and bearable.


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Feedback sent 2006-08-17…

Oh, how I wish I could use HTML to code my posts…

I understand that the point of the interface is so that people who don’t know coding, don’t have to learn it… but for myself and other hardcore Safari junkies it would be great to be able to code. I use to be able to at least code for comments but now I can’t even do that.

Is it not possible? LJ has both. Even if the default option was the rich-text editor and people were given the chance to code if they wished.

I tried Firefox and I’m not a huge fan… and it’s a pain to switch browsers just to generate a blog entry.

If it weren’t possible, I’d understand but other blog platforms all seem to be able to offer the choice and I find it frustrating that VOX doesn’t.

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What is VOX to me…?

This post is in response to Lex’s comment on my last post, and the questions her comment lead me to  find: “What is VOX to you? What is working for you? What isn't?”

Be warned… I can ramble.

What is VOX to you?
Well… I’m not really sure what VOX is to me yet since I’m still trying to figure out what blogging is to me. I like the idea of using a blog as a personal “soap-box” to post my thoughts , discoveries and opinions… but I also like the idea of a blog being a place to connect with and meet new people.

I have a LiveJournal account as well and it feels like a better place to be opinionated without worrying about being/feeling like someone is going to judge you. It’s a bit grittier feeling — grittier in a good way, of course — but I feel like I can share a slice of me that I might normally keep to myself. And I like that. If someone didn’t agree with an entry, they’d either say something or just dismiss it. Doesn’t matter — it’s my soap-box.

VOX has a much more community — real neighbourhood — vibe to it, which I also like. However, I feel like I would/will be much more “reserved” — less likely to open up more/entirely — here than I would over in LJ at the risk of upsetting one of my “neighbours”. I couldn't tell you why I feel this way, it’s just the vibe I’m getting… I dunno, maybe that’ll change.

So, I guess the short answer should have been…

VOX is an extremely well designed personal blogging platform that allows me to stay connected with existing friends and also allows/encourages me to connect to new ones. A place where people can get to know a bit of how I am in my day-to-day life and get into my head a little bit.

What is working for you?
I love… the design, the neigbourhood, side-bar fun, the QoTD, the accessability to other users, the invite system, the Organize section, the Explore section… Essentially, all the features work for me. It’s what missing that isn't working for me.

What isn’t?
I’m not really a fan of… the lack of “Home” button when visiting a blog, the lack of support for other video sharing sites (Videoegg.com anyone?), the lack of HTML option for posting (prefer to use Safari on a Mac), the lack of Safari support for posting, the lack of LJ cross-posting, the lack of communities, the lack of customizable privacy levels (LJ)
oh right, and the new wider columns (they bug me).

I know that I’ve missed something… I wish I could think of more right now but my brain “isn’t working for me” right now… I’m sleepy.

Lex, I hope this is along the lines of what you were looking for. If not, let me know and I’ll reword and rewrite.



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Feedback 2006-08-04…

I’ve been sending bit of feedback to the VOX team so I’ve to start copying and pasting my suggestions into entries as well… you can all let me know whether the ideas seem useful or just plain silly.

I had a couple of thoughts/suggestions…

Thought #1
What about the possibility of a “Wishlist”? I made one for myself over in LJ and I know other who have but what if it could be included in the side bar?

What if you could almost have a Wishlist for your “Books” and “Audio” lists? Could be a fun way to let people know what you read or listen to and let everyone lnow what you are intersted in.

Plus, for me it’s a good way to remember the many little things I need or want.

Thought #2
Would it be possible to have to have the “Privacy” option to reply to a comment for it’s author only?

There are people I know in person who use VOX and other’s I’ve met here. I'd be nice to have that extra level of filtering.

There… just my two-cents for the day.
I'm becoming more and more addicted/impressed with VOX every time I use it. Good work.


Oh, and I was thinking of suggesting a “Home” button/link to that top menubar/tab thing that follows me everywhere I go — rather than having to click the VOX logo all the time.

What d’ya think?


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