I have a cold… I’m exhuasted… but I feel alive!

Late last night, while my computer was processing some files, I was watching some of Jump London, a Parkour (PK) / Free-running documentary. I love videos like this because even though I only got to see 15 minutes of it, I just felt absolutely inspired to get up from my computer desk and run… it didn’t matter that it was 2:15 am… or where I would go… there was simply nothing I’d rather be doing, than PK.

This morning I was running a bit late… well it was tight but I would have been on time but Little “L” wanted me to take him to the toilet at daycare before I left. It’s kinda become part of our morning routine but I was hoping he wouldn’t notice so that I might slip away to catch the ferry. Note to Self: Kids always notice when their routine is thrown off… and hey, he did want to use the toilet which is excellent potty training progress. Can’t fault him for that.

After settling him into his class, instead of rushing like I normally would, I deceided to take some Me time. The next boat wasn’t coming for another half-hour, so I dropped the car back home and ran down to the the train track that run along the waterfront on the way to the ferry. I decided to run/walk/jump along the rocks along the shoreline for excercise, PK practice and just for fun. My run, however, became much more meditative than I could have ever

The stretch of rocks was roughly a 0.8 – 1.0 km run. I became completely focussed on the the rocks surfaces… where and how my feet had to land… when and where I had to place my hands… all as I negotiated my way along the shoreline. Once I reached my destination, I went in but realised that this morning, I felt I was meant to stay outside and continue moving. I really did not want to stop.

Once on the ferry, I felt like I had become very aware of everything around me. I watched the waves like I used to when I was a kid. I watched and really noticed how things in the forground pass by quicker than those in the background — I already knew they did but It was like I was realising it for the first time.

For the greater portion of the day I have felt completely f’under the weather, physically. I have, however, quite enjoyed being in my head today.

I have always looked forward to doing PK with the rest of the group because there is a great energy about it… and it has been far too long since I’ve the chance to go out. Having said that, in the video, Sebastien Foucan (co-founder of PK), explained that you learn more about Parkour and yourself as a traceur, when you train by yourself. He said something to effect of (and I’m paraphasing here), when you train alone, you are afraid of things more because you only have yourself to rely on mentally and physically. The mind can be your enemy when you’re alone and it’s important to analyse and understand why we are afraid of things the way we are to move past them.

From now on I will train alone more often as opposed to always looking to next group run as the next time I can go. I’m going to out again this weekend. More than once.

Parkour is briliant.


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But, I was hoping to be done by now…

Well, here I sit at my computer desk STARTING on my work “this evening” (overtime) that I was hoping to be done by now… It 12:50 AM here and I’m just waking up after having fallen asleep on Little “L’s” bedroom floor… after struggling to get him to bed… after only having gotten one hour of sleep the night/morning before…

Note to first-time parents of babies or young toddlers:
Your child WILL someday become aware of the fact that you really want them to become potty-trained and WILL someday use this to thier advantage to stay awake waaaaaay longer than they ought to. This MIGHT seem cute for a while but WILL invariably/eventually wear on you…


Now I have to start working on something that has to be done for tomorrow/today…

Double ugh… with fries… burnt ones…


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First post-newborn father-toddler story…

Well, it was bound to happen eventually… here is a funny little anecdote about the first morning after Little “X” (our new addition to the famiy) came home. This story, however, is about myself and our two-year-old, Little “L”… who is have some slight lifestyle adjustment issues…

Little “X” and Mommy finally came home from the hospital last Friday which turned Little “L’s” little world on its head…

SIDE NOTE: I’ve just started to confuse myself with Little “L” and Little “X” already. So, from now on, I’ll refer to our new guy as Baby “X” and our older boy as Little “L”.

Little “L” decided to wake up at 5:15 AM Saturday morning — not at all his normal scheduled waking time. Okay, so I’m in charge of Little “L” right now because Mommy/Wife “T” had that C-section which means she can’t really pick him up for five more weeks (which really breaks Mommy’s heart)… which also means that I have to get up with him if he gets up early. So at 5:15 AM, Saturday morning, we are up and ready for milk and cereal, and playtime… or at least Little “L” was…

After Little “L” finished his cereal he wanted to play… with all the noisy toys, of course. Trying to clam/quiet him down didn’t work and only frustrated the poor little guy. I’m sure it didn’t help that I was pretty much asleep on my feet while trying to interact with him. So, I had to resort to what every “good” parent and self-righteous-would-be-parent (you’d be surprised how many would-bes there are) “tisk-tisk” and frown upon… the television. Little “L” is already quite the TV-junkie… zones out completely.

So the TV (parent-of the-year-award killer) acted as a welcomed distraction for a rambunctious Little “L” and a very tired Daddy… actually, I fell asleep on the floor next to him. Don’t worry I have a method of knowing where he is… I take my finger and twist it into his shirt or pantleg, so to move he has to yank my finger free which wakes me up… except for this day…

Well, it did wake me up but I didn’t actually get up (character flaw) and just drifted somewhere between the land of the dreaming and the land where I wish I were dreaming… I could hear Little “L” go out into the kitchen and start digging through one of the drawers. I pseudo-incoherently asked him to stop playing in the drawer and to come out of the kitchen… I dozed off again… Little “L” proceeded to listen to the requests of his apparently-not-so-great-role-model-of-a father and came out of the kitchen like a good little boy… with a surprise…

Little “L” came over to sleeping-me and dumped an entire Ziplock bag of his old metal baby utensils on me to wake me up. This worked briefly but I was honestly so exhausted that I just dozed off again. So, Little “L” decided that he did not like me pretending I was a Sleeping Beauty Beast and started jabbing me with the only fork that was in the Ziplock bag… Naturally, I wake up, a bit stunned from this rude but appropriately-timed awakening. I ask Little “L”, “What are you doing?” And he just looked at me with wide eyes and a smile and said, “Fork!”, and went right back to jabbing me until I got up off the floor to play with him.

So, I was up for the day quite early that Saturday… and now I am no longer actively avoiding caffeine. Infact, later that same day I went to the grocery store to buy some really strong coffee and filters.


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Just a quickie…

So, today I put in the second carseat today in anticipation of the arrival of “sprout” this coming Tuesday. I was reminded of the first time I did this for Little “L’s” arrival and how I knew my life was going to change forever… and I mean I knew it was going to drastically change. But what was funny, was (bare with me) I knew that even though I knew my life was going to change forever… I also knew that I really had no idea how much it was going to change. Somehow, I thought that because I knew I had no idea, that it might actually prepare me more than it would have otherwise…


Today, I had the same thoughts running through my head… I remembered thinking that  knowing I knew nothing was somehow preparing me for not knowing what I knew I didn’t know. But, alas… all I really know is that I really don’t have a clue what it’s going to be like other than the same emotional steam/roller/coaster as last time, is going to catch me off-guard right when I think I know what to expect.

Less than two-and-a-half days…


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Early Leave…

Tam is now off for short-term disability leave because work has gotten too physically demanding… With Lucas she was working on the Professional Photography counter where she was able to sit down and take care of her work… but that counter no longer exists so she had to work on the normal photo-finishing counter with everyone else. This didn’t allow her to sit down very much at all, which started to strain the underside of her belly.

We were in the IWK (local children’s hospital) Monday afternoon which resulted in the doctor giving Tam a note so she could stay home for a week if she needed to. Tam stayed home Tuesday and went back in Wednesday. The cramping/straining returned stronger so she is now officially off until the next little one arrives.

I hope she takes this opportunity to get the rest she desperately needs.


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And one hellish project comes to an end…

This is just a short post to let anyone who has been semi-following my comlaining about this wank of a project, that today, the entire thing came to a close… and on a positive note. I wasn’t able to see the final display’s before they were shipped off but a co-worker/manager, whose opinion I trust, said they look great. And they will get to the client on time.


I have accumulated almost five full days of time off. Some of it I will use to sleep the rest I shall use to do Parkour. :OD

There is more to say but I am very tired now… I was sent home a few days ago for “resting with my eyes closed” at my desk — nothing bad, everyone knew that I had just burned myself out…

Alas, it is done.
Final curtain please.
Good night all…
And sweet dreams.


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All-nighter number four update…


Well, I decided I should wait until the day after to update this post so that I might get as much work done overnight as possible…

So, at roughly 4:30 PM yesterday, I went home to take care of my husband & dad duties. I made my way back to work after I put ’lil “L” to bed and got here at approximately 10:00 PM.

At almost 11:00 PM one of my co-workers called to let me know how much he had gotten done on my project while I was at home. He offered to come and help me with the rest.

Over seven hours, three cafeinated beverages and one burrito later, we were both so tired that we had to call it quits at 5:15 AM this morning.

I went home, showered, shaved, ate breakfast, got ’lil “L” ready for daycare and put out the trash.

And so the day began again continues… everything has to be done today so now I’m stressin’ some but also relieved that I’ll be done my part v’soon.


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