It’s a boy!

As of this morning, at 8:14 AM AST, our family grew by one perfect little person to the perfect number four… Little baby “X” came into this world weighing in at 7 lbs 4.3 oz, at a length of 19.5 in.

He’s so tiny.

He’s perfect.

Little “X”  is almost a cookie cutter replica of what Little “L” looked like just over two years ago. He has Mommy’s nose… Little “L” has mine. Other than that they look so similar, it’s uncanny.

I love him so much.

The C-section went so well… less than 30 minutes from the time of the first incision to the time they wheeled us into the recovery room. And my wife, “T”, is doing great. Last time she went through 24 hours of labour then when through an emegency C-section which left her absolutely exhausted and in tears. Today, she was tired (we had to get up at 5:15 AM to get ready for the operation) but in great spirits… She’s awesome.

It hasn’t sunken in completely for Little “L”… I think it will start to when Little “X” comes home and invades his entire world… and doesn’t leave.

We were already so lucky to have had Little “L”… and now we have Little “X”… There is nothing that I could actually post that could cover what I’m feeling right now.

steelie, “T”, Little “L”, and now Little “X”

Oh, and I got attacked by my Pupkin-spice Soy-latte yesterday… I didn’t see it coming… more on that later…

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Just a quickie…

So, today I put in the second carseat today in anticipation of the arrival of “sprout” this coming Tuesday. I was reminded of the first time I did this for Little “L’s” arrival and how I knew my life was going to change forever… and I mean I knew it was going to drastically change. But what was funny, was (bare with me) I knew that even though I knew my life was going to change forever… I also knew that I really had no idea how much it was going to change. Somehow, I thought that because I knew I had no idea, that it might actually prepare me more than it would have otherwise…


Today, I had the same thoughts running through my head… I remembered thinking that  knowing I knew nothing was somehow preparing me for not knowing what I knew I didn’t know. But, alas… all I really know is that I really don’t have a clue what it’s going to be like other than the same emotional steam/roller/coaster as last time, is going to catch me off-guard right when I think I know what to expect.

Less than two-and-a-half days…


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Well, three weeks to go…

This past weekend I realised that my next big life change is approaching much sooner than I had previously registered… Three weeks (or less) from today my family will grow to included a brand new little bundle of joy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 7:30 AM my wife “T” is sceduled to go in for a Caesarian-section — her second* — to bring out little sprout… we don’t know the sex of the baby yet. Little “L” was also born à la Caesarian almost two years ago… so his birthday party is coming up pretty soon too.

Life is pretty busy right now so I may not be able to post much before-hand but I will the day to let y’all know.


*Apparently, there are four different shapes to women’s pelvises… one of which is not baby-delivery-friendly. That’s “T”… so all babies are to be Caesarian. Which is why this will be our last one… the first took its toll.

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Early Leave…

Tam is now off for short-term disability leave because work has gotten too physically demanding… With Lucas she was working on the Professional Photography counter where she was able to sit down and take care of her work… but that counter no longer exists so she had to work on the normal photo-finishing counter with everyone else. This didn’t allow her to sit down very much at all, which started to strain the underside of her belly.

We were in the IWK (local children’s hospital) Monday afternoon which resulted in the doctor giving Tam a note so she could stay home for a week if she needed to. Tam stayed home Tuesday and went back in Wednesday. The cramping/straining returned stronger so she is now officially off until the next little one arrives.

I hope she takes this opportunity to get the rest she desperately needs.


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