It’s a boy!

As of this morning, at 8:14 AM AST, our family grew by one perfect little person to the perfect number four… Little baby “X” came into this world weighing in at 7 lbs 4.3 oz, at a length of 19.5 in.

He’s so tiny.

He’s perfect.

Little “X”  is almost a cookie cutter replica of what Little “L” looked like just over two years ago. He has Mommy’s nose… Little “L” has mine. Other than that they look so similar, it’s uncanny.

I love him so much.

The C-section went so well… less than 30 minutes from the time of the first incision to the time they wheeled us into the recovery room. And my wife, “T”, is doing great. Last time she went through 24 hours of labour then when through an emegency C-section which left her absolutely exhausted and in tears. Today, she was tired (we had to get up at 5:15 AM to get ready for the operation) but in great spirits… She’s awesome.

It hasn’t sunken in completely for Little “L”… I think it will start to when Little “X” comes home and invades his entire world… and doesn’t leave.

We were already so lucky to have had Little “L”… and now we have Little “X”… There is nothing that I could actually post that could cover what I’m feeling right now.

steelie, “T”, Little “L”, and now Little “X”

Oh, and I got attacked by my Pupkin-spice Soy-latte yesterday… I didn’t see it coming… more on that later…

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  1. I just sent you an email like one minute ago, but I wanted to post here, too — congratulations!!! 🙂 I'm so excited for you guys.

  2. Congratulations on the little steelie!

  3. Congratulations!!!!
    I'm seeing that sleelie script on a onsie….. lol
    Glad to here it all went well!
    ours are as different as night and day as far as looks go.. and people ask all the time if they are twins (2.5 years apart mind you) wonder if in the toddler years you will get that… (granted the older one of mine is short and the younger one is tall)

    Congrats again!!

  4. YEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEY! I can't wait to meet him! It's all I've been talking about all day. Now I have an excuse to buy cool things with x's on them! How great is that! 'xo' has new meaning now.So a big, giant XO to you four! You're all stars! But an extra special hip hip horray goes out to the Lady!

  5. How wonderful. Congratulations.

  6. I meant Congrats – darn sticky keys! =) (i admit the fingers did it)

  7. Congratulations, Steelie! I'm so happy for you and your family. I can tell you're on top of the world right now. This is the best gift in the world, I'm sure. <3
    My mom had three C-sections and I never understood what all the hype was about them. I think they show how strong a woman can be and what they'll do for their children. I'm sending positive thoughts and energy your way. =D

  8. I saw you and congratulated you in person but I'm doin' it here on Vox too!Yipee~

  9. Congratulations! 2 boys – you're going to have your hands full! 🙂

  10. Thanks everyone!Life is pretty awesome. As of this comment, Baby “X” is nine days old and so far it’s sooooooo much easier than the first time with Little “L”. We’ve been through it once before, so the stress of not knowing what to do as first time parents is, thankfully, not there at all.There’s not much of a life change this time around which also makes thing a lot easier. Going from being two childless adults who could essentially do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, to being first-time parents was a mind-blowing life-altering experience. This time, it’s busier but essentially just more of the same.Thanks again… I’ve passed along the nice wishes to Mommy “T”

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