Well, the Camino web browser it is then…

Thanks to Mena for the Camino reminder!!

Fellow Mac users… I do believe this is the one…

I used to use it years ago when I had gone on an anti-MS spree, before I was able to upgrade to OS X to get Safari.  I’ve just downloaded it again…  I had fogotten how nice it is. For anyone who’s looking for that Safari alternative but doesn’t was to go to Firefox, Camino is that great little middle ground between the two. Now, it doesn’t have the same level of customizability as Firefox but it was built specifically for OS X so it behaves in a much more Mac-like way.

Also, if any of you are interested in customizing things like I am you should go to pimpmycamino.com to see what’s available. I highly recommend the Camitools and Caminicons to tweak the look and feel.

One of my favourite interface features about Safari is the Address/Progress bar combo which, unfortunately, Camino does not have. However, in a very Mac-like way, Camino lets you shuffle around the Icons so you can at least place the spinning progress wheel next to the Address bar for some immediate visual feedback (see image below).

Thanks again for the Camino reminder, Mena.
Camino. Yeah. I’m all over it…

Oh, right. Camino also allows you to sync your bookmarks with an FTP server of your own choice and sync those bookmarks with other computers as well. NEAT!


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  1. So, I downloaded Camino and I do like it better than Firfox but it's still so bloddy slow compared to Safari! Why?? *grr*

  2. Hmmm… I'm not sure… It seems to work just fine for me… That's odd because Camino is supposed so be a smaller and quicker program. I'll have to do some digging and get back to you.–steelie

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