A brief appearance…

I’m still around. I read everybody’s stuff… life is just much busier than usual and kinda preventing me from having the time to write something… something proper anyway.

Oh… My V-sec operation is happening the morning of June 18 June 21 (oops!). That’s something I’ve been meaning to post about for a couple of weeks now but haven’t had the time… Y’know, I wanted to make it all, y’know, like, clever and stuff but since I’m such a SLOW-ASS TYPER I’ve never had the proper time to commit to it… Ah well, I’ll probably be sterile by the next time I get to post. TMI? Probably.

Hope everyone is well.
Hug someone. Peace.


Oh… and I changed the name of my blog. I like it better.

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  1. "Hug someone. Peace."You hippy you! Too bad you have (nearly) no hair…Glad you're making an appearance. I was wondering about THE date, thinking that it must be soon. Rest assured, I will think happy & pain-free thoughts about you on that day (not that any thoughts of you are painful). And I'm sure this won't hurt your manhood in anyway. Besides, technically I don't believe you'll be sterile: my understanding of sterile is that you can't *produce* sperm/eggs. You can produce them, they just can't go anywhere! Ok, this is definitely crossing the boundaries into TMI-ville!

  2. I was wondering if the kids had locked you up in a closet… This coming from someone who hasn't posted but 3 times in the last.. I dont know how long.I had to laugh at myself the other day, my husband broke part of the pasture fence and told the kids it was OK because he would be building new fence soon, and I said out loud "aw living in LOBI, and now you have taken the kids sightseeing…" He already thinks (knows) I'm crazy… but this was a new one.Hope all goes well with the operation, no complications of any sort. I suppose break a leg does not fit there? Good Luck! 🙂

  3. Semblance: Yeah, the date is coming rather quickly… less than a month now. I fully appreciate the happy thoughts. Ha… Don’t worry, I’m not worried about damaging my manhood at all. In fact, if anything, I think stepping-up and volunteering to get the operation for our family only reinforces it.Y’know, you’re right… I won’t technically be sterile just… um… well… not shipping product. It’s funny… that TMI-line is not an easy one to draw in the sand. :^)KeyLimeTwist: Ha… no the kids have’t locked me in a closet. Thay may have hijacked all my time but I’m not feeling like a prisioner… yet. Will I? Hey, cool… I’ve been quoted. Thanks. And if quoting me helps keep you crazy then I’m glad I could help. ;^)Thanks for the well-wishes… I’ve got the fingers crossed on the no-complications thing… and I’m not sure if “break an anything” would really be all that encouraging given the operation. But I appreciate the sentiment. ;^)

  4. LOL!!!!!! "not shipping product" HA HA HA HA HA!! Oh boys oh boys you make me laugh buddy…thanks.

  5. Good luck! Go team! Well…this isn't exactly a team effort…

  6. Thanks, Sem… but, um… I’m realising now that I made a mistake in the original post… It should have said June 21. I’m going to Cape Breton tomorrow. I found that out around the same time I wrote this post…Ooops. That slip-up deserves an edit.Thanks anyway!:^)

  7. Well Cape Breton is way better than surgery, so horrah! June 21 — the first day of summer! Is there some kind of hidden metaphor in that…? 😛 I will keep you in my thoughts on that day, then, but I hope we might chat before.And happy father's day! Such a great dad you are. Hope it was a happy day indeed…

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