I miss my own bed…

I miss my own room… I miss Little “L” sleeping awkwardly close to my face… I miss Lady “T” sleeping next to him… I miss Baby “X’s” sweet little breathing in his bassinet next to her…

I’ve had to travel for the first time since we became “four” and my hotel room is just not the same… I miss home…

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  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. Thank goodness it's so short lived. Sleep will help because you can dream of home. And when you wake, you'll know that you're that much closer to being with your family again. Your wonderful family.How sad it is, absence does make us realize what really matters and what is most important. I know too. Hope you're staying warm in the wild, wintery west.

  2. Sleeping in a strange place is just… well.. strange isn't it?…. When we moved I found it hard to adjust to sleeping in the new house. It was worse that my husband was on the road and I had to adjust and be paranoid alone. and adjusting to not sleeping with the kids in my bed.. down right weird and un-cuddly. Its just so unsettling for the sleep routine to be different isn't it? Its amazing how much matters even when we sleep.Hope you have a good nights rest.. Maybe get some extra pillows to crowd the bed with?

  3. Awww .. how adorable. I'm sorry you're missing your family. It's a new, weird feeling to be away from the little ones, isn't it? At least for me — you've got a couple years under your belt. ;D

  4. Steelie, you shall be home soon my friend.I can imagine that GB can't quite fill the temporary void!And I can imagine that home misses you just as much…

  5. Sorry that you're feeling like that. But I'm sure you'll do just fine and that you'll be home sooner than you think.

  6. I hate that feeling of being away from home. There's really nothing like it. You poor thing. Just keep thinking of home, make a few calls to home, and you'll feel better. I like keeping in touch and keeping busy when I'm far away from everyone I want to be with.
    Stay strong, Steelie. ^_^

  7. Well, I’m home now… have been for a couple of days but I didn’t have
    much “play”-time on the computer this weekend.Semblance: It was amazing how obvious my/their absence became when I was in my hotel room… I didn’t have much of a chance to miss them while working but man… an empty hotel room is way too quiet and too much space to not notice the void.KeyLimeTwist: I would have given almost anything to have had my sleep disrupted by the noises of the boys… un-cuddly was right. And unfortunately, the pillows were brutally uncomfortable to sleep on let alone cuddle with. I was awoken by little bupms to my face a few times last night which was way better. ;).Erin.: Sorry to break the news to you but even after a couple of years the feeling is no less weird. If anything it was weirder… Little “L” is such a little person now and has such an amazing personality that I missed him more this time than the last.Julé: Thanks. Actually, I found out that Little “L” had woken up from his nap at daycare crying looking for Daddy. I felt so bad that he felt so out of sorts… but at the same time it was nice to be missed.Elellanyar Rilmavilyawa: Thanks friend. You were right, it did go by quicker than I thought.Lauren: That’s what I tried to do… stay as busy as possible and keep in touch often. Trouble was, that Lady “T” was so busy with the boys that calls were rare and short… like 5 minutes short. Ah well, it’s not like it’s last tme I’m going to have to travel… I was just hoping to be able to wait until Baby “X” was a bit more mobile and not so dependant on “T”. Next time, hopefully.Wow… thanks for the support everyone!I love my VOX neighbourhood.:D

  8. awww…it's amazing how attached you get to home…isn't it? I hope time passed quickly and you returned home safely to your family.

  9. I miss steelie. 🙁

  10. Made it home… safe and sound. I’m sleeping less at night now but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂

  11. I miss my Jared too. 🙁

  12. K, you're making me all sniffy and missy! (I miss all four of you!) Glad to hear you're home safe and sound. One of the best things about going away is how awesome it feels to come back! Everyone is soooo happy to see you! A friend of mine said to me recently that next time he's feeling down, he's going to hang out in the arrivals area of the airport — now there's a happy place!Welcome home (to Hali and vox)!

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