A big week ahead…

Well, I decided to write over my initial VOX-test-post with something a bit more substantial… well, short but more significant.

I don't have a lot of time to post about it right now but this week, I've been given way more resposibility than usual. I'm am to essentially oversee all aspects of preparing display and event graphics for an even that happens in four weeks from yesterday. I've never done anything like this before… my managers are on vacation… all co-workers who have previously worked on these types of events — potential resources essentially — are on vacation… and I'm having a bit of brain freeze because I'm not sure of how to start.

I'm sure posting this is not the best use of my time… I don't even know what the event space looks like to plan where any graphics would go… I only found out about this on Friday morning when I was asked to “participate” in a tele-confernece, when in-fact, all I did was stared wide-eyed at a telephone as some disjointed voice — that I only know as JP — laid out the schedule of my life for the next three weeks.

First things first… I need to find out who TF JP is and get info on the space…

Oh, there will be way more to say about this four weeks from now…


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  1. That's because you're just getting used to livejournal. In time, you will learn to love vox.

    You will, you will.

  2. PS You don't have to do the html for BOLD here at VOX. ctrl+B will do it. 1-2-3.

  3. Re the BOLD… the HTML doesn't work for VOX… which is a drag because I use the browser Safari on a Mac and the Rich Text editor (which looks amazing BTW) is incompatible… Oddly enough, they allow you to use HTML with comments.

    Oh well, perhaps eventually.


  4. Okay…
    So I just tested the Command+b thing (Command on a Mac) and it worked! Cool! I'll have to check the Help section to see if I can find any more keyboard shortcuts because the buttons don't work at all.
    VOX look a little more promising now!
    Thanks “wife”.


  5. HAH! At you calling me "wife." Being called wife is so new to me. It's as if I'm not "me" anymore.

    We should learn basic details about one another. Let's pretend we are in an AOL chat say 10 years ago…Sorry if you don't get the AOL reference joke.

    A/S/L! I crack myself up.

    I think you are in Canada, Male and born in the 1970's.

    I am in California,US – Female – born in 1980!

  6. Yes, I am in Canada (Nova Scotia), Male and born in 1976.
    (my birthday is actually listed over in LJ)

    Little heads-up, I'm not sure how many Canadian friends you have (bloggers, real or otherwise) but we spell some things a bit differently up here. So, it's not that we're slow, we just like to throw in the occasional “u” every once in a while: favourite, colour, honour… you get the picture.

    I think, I'm going to like VOX… I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep my LJ as well but I haven't figured out how they are going to be different yet. Oh well, for now I'll just simul-post to both until I figure it out.

    BTW, if “wife” makes you HAH! what should I call you… I've got a wife of my own and I gotta say it was a bit odd saying, “thanks wife” to a relative stranger. 🙂 Did you you that on purpose to make everyone feel awkward? Maybe I'll just refer to you as “his wife” from now on.

    What’s your preferred online alias? I'll use that next time.


    [Okay, fine… I don't get the AOL or A/S/L references… but just because I'm slow doesn't mean all Canadians aure… Ah, crap “are”!… stupid extra “u”]

  7. I don't think I've got any Canadians on my flist. I'm a newlywed and I'm trying my best to get used to being a wife and referring to myself as a wife. I'm quite sure you should only call your wife – WIFE. I had initially made this journal to write private entries about being a wife and whatnot, but figured I should talk to my husband instead of blog about it lol.

    Years ago, my online alias was "pinky," then I grew up and stopped dying my hair and was embarrassed that I actually went by that. People have called my Doyle my entire life – my maiden name, but, I'm thinkin I'd rather go by Steph or Stephanie now, since I'm a wife and all.

    How long have you been married?? Married life is a crazy, crazy life!

    PS: Some Americans add a U. They so wanna be Canadian.

  8. Cool… Steph it is. I like it. Actually, my cousins used to call ME that — first part of my name too.

    “…since I'm a wife and all.”
    Congratulations, BTW… I was checking out your LJ and noticed you’re a newly-wed. Very nice. Welcome to the club. 🙂

    I’ve been married for a bit over five years now — got married when I was twenty-four — to my wife “T” (she's not big on me sharing her personal info and I can respect that). I really enjoy it — suits me perfectly. It can seem a bit crazy at first but then it just fits, and it's great.


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