Apple’s Safari 3.0 Beta for the Mac… and the PC. Oh, and Camino 1.5 for the Mac… sorry PC.

So, today was the ever popular (for all the Mac-addicts out there) World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) where Apple (and other companies of course) usually announce a whole new slew of products or upgrades or technologies or… well you get my drift.

I just want to keep this post brief, as I have work to do today, so I’ll get right to the point… Today Apple released a huge update to their web browser Safari to version 3.0 Beta AND ported the application to run on Windows XP and Vista. I know that the previous version of Safari didn’t really play nice with Vox… and there wasn’t anything that the lovely folks here at Vox could do; it was a Safari problem.


When I found out that that Apple had just released a new version of their browser — which, incidentally, I had abandoned because it didn’t really play well with Vox or other “Web 2.0” sites — naturally, I had to download it immediately and try it right away. So far, it LOOOVES Vox… uh… but not so much (my webmail)… oops nor LiveJournal…

Hmmmm… This post is turning out to be more of an “Oh, never mind” entry than I had originally intended. I guess that’s what I guess for reviewing the update as I test it.

Well, the upgrade does indeed bring some good enhancements. Safari finally allows you to use all of the rich-text formatting features Vox and LiveJournal offer without having to use HTML code. Safari also does spell-check on the fly for any site you are using… including your status on For those of you who are Tab fanatics like myself… Safari has drag and drop tabs so you can shuffle the order as desired — cool but the more I play with it, the less I realise it’s all that necessary.

Okay… I’m stopping now… I really wanted this entry to be short and precise. Looks like I blog like I talk… no exit strategy. ;^)

Summary: Safari 3.0 Beta is waaaaaay better for Vox now. But. It’s apparently still missing features I need.
Remedy to  Safari’s problems: Camino 1.5. Works with any “Web 2.0” site I’ve tried. Spell-checks on the fly just like Safari. Ad-blocker (that’s right I have an add-free Vox… seriously!). Pop-up window blocker / pop-up window warning bar. And more…


Okay… to be authentic to my test I composed this post using Safari but when I went back to add hot-links for Safari and Camino, I realised that Safari doesn’t have a “Link” button. I actually had to finish the post In Camino.

F*cking nice. Skip Safari fellow MacVoxers and MacLJers. Download Camino and save yourselves a headache.
*curses under breath*


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All-nighter number one…

Well… here I sit at work, just about to embark on my first of who knows exactly how many all-nighters this week. The project I posted about in my first entry is pseudo out of control… Essentially I have this week to get everything done — EVERYTHING! I don’t even have all of the resources I need to get the entire project  done yet. One of the people who is supposed to be getting me most of the resources, informed me that I will probably receive the rest of the files tomorrow… My reaction when I heard this? “Um, excuse me. Okay, well that easy enough for you to say but I need to have the final files to the the fabricator by Friday in order to make our deadline”.

(…sorry, forgot to mention that I’m a graphic designer…)

His reaction? [smirk]+“Well, that still gives you a whole three days”. Earlier on, this same person informed me that anything beyond him getting me the files is my problem. It’s my job to “work my magic” to bring the entire thing together… AWESOME!

Let the night begin…


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A big week ahead…

Well, I decided to write over my initial VOX-test-post with something a bit more substantial… well, short but more significant.

I don't have a lot of time to post about it right now but this week, I've been given way more resposibility than usual. I'm am to essentially oversee all aspects of preparing display and event graphics for an even that happens in four weeks from yesterday. I've never done anything like this before… my managers are on vacation… all co-workers who have previously worked on these types of events — potential resources essentially — are on vacation… and I'm having a bit of brain freeze because I'm not sure of how to start.

I'm sure posting this is not the best use of my time… I don't even know what the event space looks like to plan where any graphics would go… I only found out about this on Friday morning when I was asked to “participate” in a tele-confernece, when in-fact, all I did was stared wide-eyed at a telephone as some disjointed voice — that I only know as JP — laid out the schedule of my life for the next three weeks.

First things first… I need to find out who TF JP is and get info on the space…

Oh, there will be way more to say about this four weeks from now…


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