The downside of having had a vasectomy…

When a man has had a vasectomy (let’s use me for this example) and this man (still me) were to, say, become subject to an unexpected blow (not that kind) to his “man area” by something (let’s say a rogue foot/soccer cleat), the resulting agony would be thrice the traditional discomfort said man (yup, still me) would have otherwise been accustomed to.

Yes, this man would still have experienced the throbbing (again, not that kind) he once held (not literally) to be the most debilitating sensation his person could conjure. However, each of the resultant quartet (not the singing type) of termini from the severed vas diferens would henceforth mirror the equally paralysing “sentiment” as their forefathers (two-fathers?), resulting in a sextet (not as fun as it sounds) of equally crippling nodes.

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So… I’m not as sterile as I should be…

[this post might be a bit too much information for some]

I got a call from my urologist yesterday. Evidently, the test specimen I dropped off two weeks ago (after the requisite three-month waiting period), shows that I’m not quite sterile yet. Some of my little guys* are still hanging around. He said that there weren’t very many little guys* in the sample — not enough for him to think that my vasectomy didn’t take — but enough for him to tell me that I’m not yet in the clear. And that I should wait another two months to “submit” another specimen.

Apparently, after 12-15 ejaculations I should have been in the clear. I would have gotten Employee of the Month for the effort I put forward. Alas, my little guys* are resilient buggers.



*My urologist always referred to my sperm as my “little guys”. He said it at least four times and paused for a split second before each time he said it… like he really wanted to say sperm but wouldn’t be able to control the ensuing fit of laughter. I have decided that my urologist is a twelve-tear-old with grey hair and probably giggles when he has to say penis.

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V-sec recovery…

Well, as fair warning, this post is going to pretty much focus on my vasectomy. As of right now, I’m not sure how descriptive I’m going to get with this entry but, just in case, if ye be squeamish at all, you might want to skip this one.

So, here I sit with an ice-pack on my man-parts recovering from my first operation ever. My vasectomy was this morning at 8:00. We were running a bit behind schedule dropping Little “L” off at daycare so I had to make the father-to-childcare-provider child-handoff much quicker than usual. I felt awful. I had been away for work from Monday morning until yesterday evening and Little “L” really missed me. This morning, Little “L” did not want to let go of me. He had his arm wrapped tight around my neck and I had to literally push him off me. “And the award for worst father of the year goes to…” I know that wasn’t the case but it felt like it.

After successfully removing the toddler from my person, the rest of us hurried off to the hospital. We showed up at 7:56, a whopping four minutes early. Nice. Ladyshark dropped me off at the door so I could run in to get the paperwork started while she parked the car.

Within a half-hour I was on my way into the operating room where I was reacquainted with “Doctor” whom I had met back in February, AND introduced to the urology intern, “Intern”, who was going to be observing the operation. “Intern” was, of course — you guessed it — young, female and not unattractive… great. Well, I had to shave for the occasion so, at least I was all prettied-up for the awkward introduction…

Doctor: “Steelie, this is ‘Intern’. She’ll be observing the procedure today.”
Intern: “Hi.”
Steelie: “Hi, nice to meet you. Is this your first vasectomy?”
Intern: “Yes, it is!”
Steelie: “Hey, cool. Me too.”

Everyone chuckled. The moment suddenly felt far less awkward.

Now I’m laying on the operating table under the standard blue hospital sheets with only essential bits exposed. “Doctor” proceeds to inject the local anesthetic into said “bits” which burned a bit. I’m completely okay with needles so, this part was no big deal. Within seconds, the area was numbed and “Doctor” broke out the cutting device — it looks like a soldering iron but cuts and cauterizes the skin at the same time. This allows for small discreet incisions
and very minimal bleeding. Couldn’t feel a thing. I appreciated that.

Steelie: “So, if I’m going to sneeze, I should probably warn you?”
Doctor: [stops cutting] “That would be a good idea.”
Steelie: “Okay. Just checking.”
Intern: [laughs]

I know… I’m a f’idiot. I couldn’t help it.

“Doctor” resumes his work and is explaining the entire procedure to “Intern”. I really want to know what’s going on but now “Nurse” (the obvious distraction tactic) was talking my ear off about what I can expect in terms of discomfort once I get home. Useful information, I’m sure, but I was more interested in what “Doctor” and “Intern” were discussing. Result? I didn’t hear all of either conversation. Swell.

I asked how big the incisions were and the team informed me that they don’t really refer to them as “incisions”, per se. They prefer to call them “nicks”. Tiny, little holes through which they perform, what “Doctor” likes to call, keyhole surgery. Clever “Doctor”.

A short while later…

Doctor: “Well, um… I seems to be running out of things to do down here.”
Steelie: “Is that a bad thing?”
Doctor: “No. It means we’re almost done.”

Funny “Doctor”.

So, now I sit/lay on the couch icing (not the sugary kind) the “bits” — twenty minutes on, forty minutes off — playing on the computer. I’m a bit achy but, so far, the most pain is coming from the incisions — they burn a bit.

Sorry, I gotta cut this short suddenly but I’ll update more later.
I’m sure you’re all just thrilled.


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A brief appearance…

I’m still around. I read everybody’s stuff… life is just much busier than usual and kinda preventing me from having the time to write something… something proper anyway.

Oh… My V-sec operation is happening the morning of June 18 June 21 (oops!). That’s something I’ve been meaning to post about for a couple of weeks now but haven’t had the time… Y’know, I wanted to make it all, y’know, like, clever and stuff but since I’m such a SLOW-ASS TYPER I’ve never had the proper time to commit to it… Ah well, I’ll probably be sterile by the next time I get to post. TMI? Probably.

Hope everyone is well.
Hug someone. Peace.


Oh… and I changed the name of my blog. I like it better.

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The big V-sec…

Well… I received a letter in the mail last Friday with the appointment date and time for the consultation for my upcoming vasectomy. Yes… I’m going to get the deed done…

I have my family… I have two beautiful little boys and their wonderful mother who was willing to go through two C-sections to get them here.

At one point I felt strongly that I wanted to have more than two children… But, I tell ya… When Little “L” was born, it felt so unbelievably awesome (in the true sense of the word) that it was impossible to imagine being blessed/fortunate enough to have it happen again… Then along came Baby “X”. Now everything feels complete.

So, yeah, I’m ready… but I’m a bit nervous… I’ve never had ANY kind of operation before — I even still have my wisdom teeth — so this’ll be a new experience for me.

My consultation is not until February 13th, so, in the mean time I’ve been doing a bit of research on my own… Trying to track down some of those “Top Ten Questions” sites to see what people's main concerns/questions are so I can prepare myself for my appointment.


So far, I’ve discovered a few things:

  • Yes, vasectomies are reversable they should be considered permenant — just because the severed tubes can be reconnected doesn’t mean everything is going to “flow” like it used to;
  • 3% of men experience some long term discomfort (okay that’s like 1 in 33 – WTF);
  • no change in sex drive (right on);
  • they use a “tool” similar to a soldering iron that cuts and cauterizes at the same time (I should have asked for one of these for Christmas);
  • vasectomies may not take… they have a “failure” rate of less than 1% — latex condoms have a failiure rate of 12% or more (Iguess if we are meant to have more we are meant to have more);
  • the entire operation takes approximately 15 minutes;
  • the sperm naturally gets absorbed back into your body — a man’s body is constantly producing sperm naturally and what ever amount isn’t used would be absorbed already anyway (cool… so no change there);
  • just because a man has had a vasectomy doesn’t mean thay are sterile right away — it can take months for the sperm to work it’s way out if the body (so pack a backup, kids);

Either way, I’ll keep you all posted on things as I discover them…


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