When a man has had a vasectomy (let’s use me for this example) and this man (still me) were to, say, become subject to an unexpected blow (not that kind) to his “man area” by something (let’s say a rogue foot/soccer cleat), the resulting agony would be thrice the traditional discomfort said man (yup, still me) would have otherwise been accustomed to.
Yes, this man would still have experienced the throbbing (again, not that kind) he once held (not literally) to be the most debilitating sensation his person could conjure. However, each of the resultant quartet (not the singing type) of termini from the severed vas diferens would henceforth mirror the equally paralysing “sentiment” as their forefathers (two-fathers?), resulting in a sextet (not as fun as it sounds) of equally crippling nodes.