What's your motto?
“If that’s the worst thing that happens to me today… then I’m doing alright.”
the simple ramblings of a boy…
What's your motto?
“If that’s the worst thing that happens to me today… then I’m doing alright.”
What song or lyrics are stuck in your head at the moment? What album is it from?
Submitted by Lox Ly.
I don’t know all of the words but I’ve had this song going through my head for the past few days…
What is your browser's default home page set to?
Submitted by Kelev T. Cat.
IceRocket.com (Web seach)
As per my first blog entry ever…
What's the nerdiest thing about you?
Well, I was trying to figure this one out for myself and I was thinking it would be Mac related, Harry Potter related, Design related or something like one of these anyway. I wasn’t sure, so I decided to get “T’s” thoughts on the matter…
steelie: “What would you say is the nerdiest thing about me?”
[zero hesitation…]
T: “Math. Numbers. The way you have to figure the tax out on things, in your head.”
She’s right. I have an obsession with figuring out the “Math” of something… as precisely as possible. Usually it’s just the tax (to the penny) on something of what the exact temperature is in C° when “T” gives it to me in F° (she used to live in the States for a bit). However, sometimes it goes a bit beyond and usually have no control over it. Once in my brain, I have to fugure it out… even when I’m not actively thinking about it my brain is processing in the background…
Example… my son “L” has one of these classic Fisher Price toys where children can have hours of enjoyment stacking rings, and fathers can (apparently) spend hours trying to figure out the mathematical equation to describe how many moves it would take to transfer the entire stack of rings from one peg to another, one at a time, three pegs total, and only smaller rings can placed on top of larger rings (not the other way around. This type of puzzle is called the Tower of Hanoi.
I can’t tell you when I started think about it but my brain has been trying to figure it out for at least a month… seriously… I have a problem.
I managed to figure out the pattern of which ring gets placed where and when in order to move the entire stack in as few moves as possible a while ago. However, I haven’t been able to nail the formula to figure out the fewest number of moves require to move the stack…
Until tonight! Which actually makes this QOTD v’timely… and for those who care, the equasion is x = 2n-1, where “n” is the number of rings you have to move. Of course, as soon as I told “T” that I had figured it out, she just smiled and shook her head…
Yup. Math makes me nerdy. Other nerds, care to try the tower?
Have fun.
What's your morning beverage of choice? Coffee, tea, juice? Homemade or store-bought?
My first beverage of the day is usually the left-over milk from the bottom of my cereal bowl. If I have a tea or coffee, it’s usually once I get to work, and it’s usually a Chai Tea with soy milk and sugar… sometimes coffee… depends on the night before. And that would be a French Roast or Irish Cream coffee… I like the flavoured ones — definitely not a coffee purist.
I think I’ll need a coffee tomorrow. Hopefully not.
Do you have any tattoos? If not, if you were going to get inked, what would you get?
Yes, I do have a tattoo… It’s of the number sixteen in roman numerals — xvi — and it’s on my right shoulder.
I love the number sixteen… well, it’s more like it defines a part of me. My life started at 3:16 AM September 16, 1976. My first name and last name together had sixteen letters. I have used sixteen as my number for anything sports / competition related for as long as I can remember. My wife and I started seeing each other on June 16, 1996, were engaged June 16, 2000, and married June 16, 2001. We both liked our last names enough to want to keep them but both wanted to have the same name as our children, so we decided it should be hyphenated… Our last name now has sixteen letters in it.
The tattoo itself was a gift from my closest friends for my 22nd birthday. We all went out for dinner and they handed me a card with enough money for the tattoo… to the penny :O)
My tattoo is as much a part of me as the number sixteen is. My life began with the number sixteen, has been guided and crafted by the number sixteen, and I’m sure it will somehow all end with the number sixteen. And I’m good with that.
Beyond the significance of the number, my tattoo will forever be a reminder of close friends, and how important they are to me.
What are your favorite and least favorite words? Any reasons why?
Question submitted by Byrne.Good question…My favourite words…Some of my favourite words are favs because [A] of how they sound, others becuase [B] of what they mean to me, and then there are those words that [C] aren’t real words but combinations of real words that just sound great and should be made into real words.[A]parenthetically (an aside, as though spoken in parenthesis ;O), banana, blue, fruition, angst, fusion, pumpernickel, sustenance, pop, snap, boing, slosh, ripple… I could go on. Most of them are simple but I just like the way they sound.[B]genuine, integrity, love, family, Daddy (yeah…), honest, dream, sleep, hope, peace, sleep…[C]As far as I know, I made these ones up: Congraduation! (congratulations on the graduation… too wordy — no thanks), shinjury (what I called it when I split my shin open), sarchasm (a place you usually want to crawl into when a joke bombs — or — where the joke must have disappeared to if nobody got it), Mount Cleverest (what I said once that made me want crawl into a sarchasm).My favourite word-combination comes from the French translation of The Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter series… French for “choice” is « choix » [shwah] and for “hat” is « chapeau » [shapo] so they combined them to get « choixpeau » [shwapo]. Bloody brilliant!Words I don’t like…There are many words I don’t like because of their negative energy and the situations that they normally would have stemmed from: hate, murder, rape…Beyond these, the words that really get under my skin are the ones I have difficulty pronouncing. I guess I don’t technically stutter but I stammer a lot with words. Partially due a “lazy tongue” my mother has said I have. Add that to the fact that my brain always wants to talk faster than my “lazy tongue” can manage…Trouble words include: brewery (try to say this word repeatedly as fast as you can… okay, now try to imagine having a “lazy tongue” and having to work in a brewery, where you were required to use the word brewery repeatedly — awesome), sixth (why does my mouth always try to pronounce such a “simple” word as two syllables — six+th — aargh), and remember (I just seem to trip over this one every time [sigh].