I’ve been digging around the web for some free flash slideshow examples for my wife. This one looks pretty slick… I can’t add music to this kind but the interface works really well.
the simple ramblings of a boy…
I’ve been digging around the web for some free flash slideshow examples for my wife. This one looks pretty slick… I can’t add music to this kind but the interface works really well.
I’m exhausted. Work has been so busy lately that I’ve been working right through my lunches. However, every once in a while, I manage to peel my eyelids open eyes away from work to give myself a five minute mental break and manage to discover/stumble across something unbelievably cool…
Photos shouldn’t be trapped in your camera. Set them free.
The Eye-Fi Card is a wireless memory card. It automatically uploads pictures from your digital camera to your PC or Mac and to your favorite photo sharing, printing, blogging or social networking site.
No cables, no waiting, no hassles.
To learn more, press the play button to the right.