I’m such a nerd because…

What's the nerdiest thing about you?

Well, I was trying to figure this one out for myself and I was thinking it would be Mac related, Harry Potter related, Design related or something like one of these anyway. I wasn’t sure, so I decided to get “T’s” thoughts on the matter…

steelie: “What would you say is the nerdiest thing about me?”

[zero hesitation…]

T: “Math. Numbers. The way you have to figure the tax out on things, in your head.”

She’s right. I have an obsession with figuring out the “Math” of something… as precisely as possible. Usually it’s just the tax (to the penny) on something of what the exact temperature is in C° when “T” gives it to me in F° (she used to live in the States for a bit). However, sometimes it goes a bit beyond and usually have no control over it. Once in my brain, I have to fugure it out… even when I’m not actively thinking about it my brain is processing in the background…

Example… my son “L” has one of these classic Fisher Price toys where children can have hours of enjoyment stacking rings, and fathers can (apparently) spend hours trying to figure out the mathematical equation to describe how many moves it would take to transfer the entire stack of rings from one peg to another, one at a time, three pegs total, and only smaller rings can placed on top of larger rings (not the other way around. This type of puzzle is called the Tower of Hanoi.

I can’t tell you when I started think about it but my brain has been trying to figure it out for at least a month… seriously… I have a problem.

I managed to figure out the pattern of which ring gets placed where and when in order to move the entire stack in as few moves as possible a while ago. However, I haven’t been able to nail the formula to figure out the fewest number of moves require to move the stack…

Until tonight! Which actually makes this QOTD v’timely… and for those who care, the equasion is x = 2n-1, where “n” is the number of rings you have to move. Of course, as soon as I told “T” that I had figured it out, she just smiled and shook her head…

Yup. Math makes me nerdy. Other nerds, care to try the tower?
Have fun.


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