Vox feedback for March 10, 2007…

Hello again…

This feedback tidbit has to do with my “Home” page when I log in… and Exploring, indirectly. I’ve been reluctant to explore Vox and add new neighbours because as of right now, the Friends & Family posts I really want to keep track of keep getting bumped by my Neighbours’ posts… What I’m really hoping can be done is some sort of filter that I could potentially adjust myself, that would allow me to chose whether I want my “New in your neighbourhood” section to show recent items from my Neighbourhood, my Friends, my Family or my Friends & Family.

Personally, I would love to be able to log-in and immediately get up-to-date on my Friends & Family. And then, if there was no action on that front, I would be able to click over and catch-up on my neighbours. As of right now, I don’t have the time to check all of my F&F’s blogs individually to see if I’ve missed anything, so I rely heavily on my “Home” page.

I’m not saying that everyone Voxes like I do but it would great to have that option. I’ve also ran this idea by a few other Voxers I know outside of the Voxosphere and they’re in favour of such a thing too.

Thanks for listening.

(I’m trying to be Voxy, honest)

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The Homepage Gets a Facelift… Oh, goody…

I have to say that I’m not really a fan of the new approach to the VOX Home-page…

I’m really missing the Recent Comments and the old format… I mean, the new content has value too but the previous iteration was customised to me and my neighbourhood. Now, “my” VOX Home-page shows me more or less what VOX has chosen for me to see.

I feel that the current state of the Home-page is better suited for the Explore page… in fact, it would be perfect for the Explore page. People would immediately get an overview of highlighted posts and images, see what the recent favourites are and scroll through the most recently listed posts.

I know others will dissagree but I greatly preferred the set-up the way it was before the facelift.

Of course, the ultimate would to offer multiple modules that people could choose from to customise their Home-page to be how they wished… similar to LiveJournal’s “portal” page.

VOX, why fix something when it’s not broken… of if you are going to change something, why not adding enhancements or modifying things slightly instaed of removing almost all of what everyone is used to seeing.


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