Vox feedback for March 10, 2007…

Hello again…

This feedback tidbit has to do with my “Home” page when I log in… and Exploring, indirectly. I’ve been reluctant to explore Vox and add new neighbours because as of right now, the Friends & Family posts I really want to keep track of keep getting bumped by my Neighbours’ posts… What I’m really hoping can be done is some sort of filter that I could potentially adjust myself, that would allow me to chose whether I want my “New in your neighbourhood” section to show recent items from my Neighbourhood, my Friends, my Family or my Friends & Family.

Personally, I would love to be able to log-in and immediately get up-to-date on my Friends & Family. And then, if there was no action on that front, I would be able to click over and catch-up on my neighbours. As of right now, I don’t have the time to check all of my F&F’s blogs individually to see if I’ve missed anything, so I rely heavily on my “Home” page.

I’m not saying that everyone Voxes like I do but it would great to have that option. I’ve also ran this idea by a few other Voxers I know outside of the Voxosphere and they’re in favour of such a thing too.

Thanks for listening.

(I’m trying to be Voxy, honest)

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QotD: Something to Believe In

Do you have any tattoos? If not, if you were going to get inked, what would you get?

Yes, I do have a tattoo… It’s of the number sixteen in roman numerals — xvi — and it’s on my right shoulder.

I love the number sixteen… well, it’s more like it defines a part of me. My life started at 3:16 AM September 16, 1976. My first name and last name together had sixteen letters. I have used sixteen as my number for anything sports / competition related for as long as I can remember. My wife and I started seeing each other on June 16, 1996, were engaged June 16, 2000, and married June 16, 2001. We both liked our last names enough to want to keep them but both wanted to have the same name as our children, so we decided it should be hyphenated… Our last name now has sixteen letters in it.

The tattoo itself was a gift from my closest friends for my 22nd birthday. We all went out for dinner and they handed me a card with enough money for the tattoo… to the penny :O)

My tattoo is as much a part of me as the number sixteen is. My life began with the number sixteen, has been guided and crafted by the number sixteen, and I’m sure it will somehow all end with the number sixteen. And I’m good with that.

Beyond the significance of the number, my tattoo will forever be a reminder of close friends, and how important they are to me.


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