musically triggered memories…

It’s amazing how certain songs can immediately bring you back to a very specific moment or event in your life and, of course, the more profound the event, the harder the song hits…

Well, after getting of the ferry on my way into work this morning, my iPod shuffled to Adam’s Song by Blink 182 and I was blind-sided by the memory of my cousin Lou’s death… Just over six years ago, Lou passed away after (what I would consider) a rather short battle with cancer. He was only 39 years old and the owner/founder of one of the most successful local graphic design companies. He gave me my first job as a designer. I learned an enormous amount from his talents. I knew he was gravely ill but I still couldn’t believe it when the cancer won.
I had just recently heard Adam’s Song for the first time and, although Lou passed away from cancer and not by means of suicide like Adam, I listened to that song — just that song — on repeat for a little over a week…
After hearing that song this morning, I was brought back to the first time I had ever lost anyone close to me.
I still can’t believe he’s gone.
RIP Lou.

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Baby “X” is now my buddy too…

Leading up to the Christmas holidays our little guy, Baby “X” or the “X-man” was quite sick for a number of days. My wife, having just returned to work fresh off maternity leave a couple of months prior, didn’t have any vacation days or sick days accumulated to be able to stay home and look after him. She spent the whole first year of Baby “X’s” life with him while on maternity leave, and as a result she had always been his favourite — especially when he wasn’t feeling well — so normally she would have stayed home with him.

The silver lining to this little scenario was Daddy getting to stay home with “X” for three whole days. Which, as I realized afterwards was the longest period of one-on-one time I had ever had with him. He had almost a constant fever that I would cyclically keep at bay with baby Tylenol. As a result, he had lulls where he felt miserable and just wanted to be held, and peaks when we played and laughed. He’s such a funny little boy.

Wow. Did we ever bond over those three days.

I was lucky enough to be able to take three months paternity leave with Little “L” when he was a baby, and we bonded wonderfully. But with “L” now old enough to be in daycare our daily schedules just wouldn’t have allowed for me to take leave with “X”. I was convinced that it would take me the same three month of one-on-one time with “X” to be able to catch-up, so to speak.

Three days.

 Mommy’s still his first choice… overall. But now there are many times where he will come to me first.

And I love it.

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Rest in peace, Uncle Phillip

Months ago — Thursday, June 7, 2007 to be exact — my dear Uncle Philip passed away after a long battle with emphysema and other lung related complications.

I took me a while to write anything because I didn’t want to post anything quick just for the sake of posting it. I wanted to take the time to reflect on what happened, on what I remember from his life — what I experienced, not what others told me about him. Still, I found it really hard to pinpoint specific instances or examples to properly capture my overall memory of him. I know that he was a good person. I know that he was a wonderful father. I know he was well liked. I know that was truly loved. I know that he will be truly missed. Unfortunately, in all the times we'd been around each other, I am realizing that we had exchanged only very few words.

The one clear thing I do remember about my uncle is that he always gave me the impression that he thought I could do or be anything I wanted. It was in his smile. It was in his handshake. It was in his words, as few as they may have been. Maybe he meant for me to pick up on this. Maybe he was this way with everyone. Maybe I just read into things too much. Regardless, I’d like to think he meant it because it’s a great memory/feeing to carry with me. It’s like having this little piece of motivation, this reminder to do or be the best I can at anything and everything — no matter how seemingly insignificant.

Uncle Philip, you will be missed.


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Vox Hunt: Photography – [this is joy]

Show us a photo that captures the feeling of joy.

Alright… after my [in hindsight] slightly pretentious previous post…


I had uploaded other images as well but, for some reason, VOX kept rotating them back to their original orientations. That was annoying… I’ll try again later when my computer isn’t downloading 100’s of MB of software updates and my already non-high-speed internet connection isn’t as slow as molasses in the dead of Canadian winter. In the mean time, here are the boys.


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Vox feedback for March 10, 2007…

Hello again…

This feedback tidbit has to do with my “Home” page when I log in… and Exploring, indirectly. I’ve been reluctant to explore Vox and add new neighbours because as of right now, the Friends & Family posts I really want to keep track of keep getting bumped by my Neighbours’ posts… What I’m really hoping can be done is some sort of filter that I could potentially adjust myself, that would allow me to chose whether I want my “New in your neighbourhood” section to show recent items from my Neighbourhood, my Friends, my Family or my Friends & Family.

Personally, I would love to be able to log-in and immediately get up-to-date on my Friends & Family. And then, if there was no action on that front, I would be able to click over and catch-up on my neighbours. As of right now, I don’t have the time to check all of my F&F’s blogs individually to see if I’ve missed anything, so I rely heavily on my “Home” page.

I’m not saying that everyone Voxes like I do but it would great to have that option. I’ve also ran this idea by a few other Voxers I know outside of the Voxosphere and they’re in favour of such a thing too.

Thanks for listening.

(I’m trying to be Voxy, honest)

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The big V-sec…

Well… I received a letter in the mail last Friday with the appointment date and time for the consultation for my upcoming vasectomy. Yes… I’m going to get the deed done…

I have my family… I have two beautiful little boys and their wonderful mother who was willing to go through two C-sections to get them here.

At one point I felt strongly that I wanted to have more than two children… But, I tell ya… When Little “L” was born, it felt so unbelievably awesome (in the true sense of the word) that it was impossible to imagine being blessed/fortunate enough to have it happen again… Then along came Baby “X”. Now everything feels complete.

So, yeah, I’m ready… but I’m a bit nervous… I’ve never had ANY kind of operation before — I even still have my wisdom teeth — so this’ll be a new experience for me.

My consultation is not until February 13th, so, in the mean time I’ve been doing a bit of research on my own… Trying to track down some of those “Top Ten Questions” sites to see what people's main concerns/questions are so I can prepare myself for my appointment.


So far, I’ve discovered a few things:

  • Yes, vasectomies are reversable they should be considered permenant — just because the severed tubes can be reconnected doesn’t mean everything is going to “flow” like it used to;
  • 3% of men experience some long term discomfort (okay that’s like 1 in 33 – WTF);
  • no change in sex drive (right on);
  • they use a “tool” similar to a soldering iron that cuts and cauterizes at the same time (I should have asked for one of these for Christmas);
  • vasectomies may not take… they have a “failure” rate of less than 1% — latex condoms have a failiure rate of 12% or more (Iguess if we are meant to have more we are meant to have more);
  • the entire operation takes approximately 15 minutes;
  • the sperm naturally gets absorbed back into your body — a man’s body is constantly producing sperm naturally and what ever amount isn’t used would be absorbed already anyway (cool… so no change there);
  • just because a man has had a vasectomy doesn’t mean thay are sterile right away — it can take months for the sperm to work it’s way out if the body (so pack a backup, kids);

Either way, I’ll keep you all posted on things as I discover them…


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