All-nighter number three…

Just like the title says…

I managed to stay the whole night last night and left at 6:30 AM… it’s beautiful that time of day. Luckily I wasn’t too tired for the drive home as my third Sobe Arush caffeinated “natural health” energy drink hadn’t left my system yet.

Tonight I start with a French Vanilla coffee with a Sobe-backup. That being said I don’t plan on being here at work all night… I hope to get a chunk done that I actually need to be here for, after-which I can the files home to work on. This way, once I reach the ever-popular point-of-no-return all I have to do is stumble up the stairs to bed instead of having to re-caffeinate for the drive.

Fun stuff.


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All-nighter number two…

Okay… so in all fairness, I have to admit that my “All-nighter number one” was a bit of a failure. I got to work around 10:30 PM and only made it to 1:30 AM… three hours… some all-nighter. I couldn’t help it. I was so tired that I started to do the whole go-cross-eyed-and-doze-off-every-30-seconds thing. It wasn’t pretty.

So now here I sit again… with my 4-pack of Sobe Arush caffeinated “natural health” energy drinks, one already eaten dairy-free chocolate bar, one package of sesame rice crackers with complimenting tub o’ hummus, and one collection of music blaring in the background (current track: The White Stripes).

I hope it goes well… I’m getting worried about the deadline…


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All-nighter number one…

Well… here I sit at work, just about to embark on my first of who knows exactly how many all-nighters this week. The project I posted about in my first entry is pseudo out of control… Essentially I have this week to get everything done — EVERYTHING! I don’t even have all of the resources I need to get the entire project  done yet. One of the people who is supposed to be getting me most of the resources, informed me that I will probably receive the rest of the files tomorrow… My reaction when I heard this? “Um, excuse me. Okay, well that easy enough for you to say but I need to have the final files to the the fabricator by Friday in order to make our deadline”.

(…sorry, forgot to mention that I’m a graphic designer…)

His reaction? [smirk]+“Well, that still gives you a whole three days”. Earlier on, this same person informed me that anything beyond him getting me the files is my problem. It’s my job to “work my magic” to bring the entire thing together… AWESOME!

Let the night begin…


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