Well, today was Jared’s last day at work… a sad day indeed. We had all been joking/talking about how we were going to leave early for the day, find a nice pub/bar with a nice deck, and share in a few drinks to toast Jared and give him a proper send-off…
Okay, so that sort of happened…
First of all, barely anyone was in the office — everyone was on vacation or had other plans they couldn’t cancel or we just plain didn’t ask them. Secondly, we didn’t get to leave early — we were there right until closing. I even stayed a bit later to copy some files I needed to work over the weekend [fun]. Thirdly, half of us were just too tired to make the event worthy of being called an event…
…but it was still nice. We’ll miss you, Jared. Be sure to come back and harass us. Skype for the Mac now has video* capabilities so we’ll have to figure that one out.
Have a great trip and be sure to come bug us when you get back.
*The version they have for download from the official website does NOT have video capabilities but the “unofficial” latest BETA release, which you can download here, does have it.