QotD: Key words

What are your favorite and least favorite words?  Any reasons why?
Question submitted by Byrne.

Good question…

My favourite words…
Some of my favourite words are favs because [A] of how they sound, others becuase [B] of what they mean to me, and then there are those words that [C] aren’t real words but combinations of real words that just sound great and should be made into real words.

parenthetically (an aside, as though spoken in parenthesis ;O), banana, blue, fruition, angst, fusion, pumpernickel, sustenance, pop, snap, boing, slosh, rippleI could go on. Most of them are simple but I just like the way they sound.

genuine, integrity, love, family, Daddy (yeah…), honest, dream, sleep, hope, peace, sleep

As far as I know, I made these ones up: Congraduation! (congratulations on the graduation… too wordy — no thanks), shinjury (what I called it when I split my shin open), sarchasm (a place you usually want to crawl into when a joke bombs — or — where the joke must have disappeared to if nobody got it), Mount Cleverest (what I said once that made me want crawl into a sarchasm).

My favourite word-combination comes from the French translation of The Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter series… French for “choice” is « choix » [shwah] and for “hat” is « chapeau » [shapo] so they combined them to get « choixpeau » [shwapo]. Bloody brilliant!

Words I don’t like…
There are many words I don’t like because of their negative energy and the situations that they normally would have stemmed from: hate, murder, rape…

Beyond these, the words that really get under my skin are the ones I have difficulty pronouncing. I guess I don’t technically stutter but I stammer a lot with words. Partially due a “lazy tongue” my mother has said I have. Add that to the fact that my brain always wants to talk faster than my “lazy tongue” can manage…

Trouble words include: brewery (try to say this word repeatedly as fast as you can… okay, now try to imagine having a “lazy tongue” and having to work in a brewery, where you were required to use the word brewery repeatedly — awesome), sixth (why does my mouth always try to pronounce such a “simple” word as two syllables — six+th — aargh), and remember (I just seem to trip over this one every time [sigh].

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