All-nighter number two…

Okay… so in all fairness, I have to admit that my “All-nighter number one” was a bit of a failure. I got to work around 10:30 PM and only made it to 1:30 AM… three hours… some all-nighter. I couldn’t help it. I was so tired that I started to do the whole go-cross-eyed-and-doze-off-every-30-seconds thing. It wasn’t pretty.

So now here I sit again… with my 4-pack of Sobe Arush caffeinated “natural health” energy drinks, one already eaten dairy-free chocolate bar, one package of sesame rice crackers with complimenting tub o’ hummus, and one collection of music blaring in the background (current track: The White Stripes).

I hope it goes well… I’m getting worried about the deadline…


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Dairy-free Chocoholic…

Okay, so I love my chocolate… especially dairy-free chocolate (me lactose-intolerant boy). I always find it hard to turn down the dairy-free chocolate… [sigh].

A co-worker showed up today with two containers of one-bite brownies leftover from a presentation/party/function-of-some-sort and she was trying to pawn them off on someone. I performed the standard lactose-intolerant-ingredient-scan before I agreed to anything I might have regretted later. To my absolute delight, these one-bite brownies were dairy-free. I decided to take a few — they are litterally only good for only one bite each.

Well… I was encouraged to take more.

So… I went to take more (I honest-to-God have a problem turning down dairy-free chocolate).

I was encouraged to take even more…

So, I just smiled and grabbed the one of two containers that had fewer brownies in it, while the other one was placed on the counter at the front entrance of our office… on the way to the washrooms… see where I'm going with this?

Okay, so now I have at least a dozen brownies at my desk and I know that I will have to use the washroom a few times today… I just heave a large sigh and concede to the fact that I will have way too many brownies today…

And yup… I did. At last count I had eaten sixteen brownies… I'm quite sure I ate at least twenty.

I feel kinda gross now.

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