All-nighter number four update…


Well, I decided I should wait until the day after to update this post so that I might get as much work done overnight as possible…

So, at roughly 4:30 PM yesterday, I went home to take care of my husband & dad duties. I made my way back to work after I put ’lil “L” to bed and got here at approximately 10:00 PM.

At almost 11:00 PM one of my co-workers called to let me know how much he had gotten done on my project while I was at home. He offered to come and help me with the rest.

Over seven hours, three cafeinated beverages and one burrito later, we were both so tired that we had to call it quits at 5:15 AM this morning.

I went home, showered, shaved, ate breakfast, got ’lil “L” ready for daycare and put out the trash.

And so the day began again continues… everything has to be done today so now I’m stressin’ some but also relieved that I’ll be done my part v’soon.


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All-nighter number three…

Just like the title says…

I managed to stay the whole night last night and left at 6:30 AM… it’s beautiful that time of day. Luckily I wasn’t too tired for the drive home as my third Sobe Arush caffeinated “natural health” energy drink hadn’t left my system yet.

Tonight I start with a French Vanilla coffee with a Sobe-backup. That being said I don’t plan on being here at work all night… I hope to get a chunk done that I actually need to be here for, after-which I can the files home to work on. This way, once I reach the ever-popular point-of-no-return all I have to do is stumble up the stairs to bed instead of having to re-caffeinate for the drive.

Fun stuff.


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