so long lj…

Well, I've been contemplating this for a while… but I think it's finally time to leave LiveJournal behind. The only thing I use it for lately — as in the past few years — is reading other peoples' updates.
I'll still keep the account active but will likely never use it again.
I spent my "coffee break" this afternoon adding all my friends' blog-feeds to my Google Reader. BTW, the Google Reader app for the iPhone/Touch is pretty flawless.
I'll miss my lj-friends that were "friends only" but the main few I followed don't use it anymore either.
And so, LiveJournal, after all these years… I bid thee a fond fairwell.

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I want to go back to the way it used to be…

I’m always worried about my entries being engaging enough for my neighbours… it never used to be that way… I used to get excited writing about whatever I wanted to or felt at any given time. Part of the problem is (and no offence to you guys) I know people on VOX that read my blog so, some of the things that bother me, that weigh heavily on my mind never get shared because I don’t want to offend people or hurt, shock, or insult any of the people I actually know.

Sooo… (I know some people are going to roll their eyes at this) I’ve created another blog. An anonymous one. One I’m not sure I want anyone to know about yet. It almost feels like it should have it’s own neighbourhood. One that won’t judge me for what I write. That way, I can keep writing but keep things and thoughts separate.

The other blog will at times seem harsh, selfish and one-sided. People may not like it… but that’s okay… It’s not about them… It’s about me and my need for an outlet.

Hopefully, that way I’ll be able t get back to my former VOXing self.

I miss that guy.

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Blogging doesn’t come easily…

Well, I've been trying to think of what to talk about in my next post but it's not coming to me easily… I am, overall, very new to blogging and find myself more interested in reading other peoples blogs than writing in my own. I've been contemplating the blogging scene for some time now but took forever to convince myself that anything I had to say was worth reading… maybe it's not.

A lot of people seem to pour their entire lives into their blogs… I admire that. I'm not ready to go there… yet… I haven't even included my full/actual name in my profile. I'm even reluctant to add people to my friend's list when I really don't have good reason… I'm not even sure where I planned on going with this entry. I guess I was hoping that posting period would spark something less empty and mediocre (which, ironically, is a favourite word of mine)…

Sigh… I'll come back when I feel less odd in my own skin…


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