When a man has had a vasectomy (let’s use me for this example) and this man (still me) were to, say, become subject to an unexpected blow (not that kind) to his “man area” by something (let’s say a rogue foot/soccer cleat), the resulting agony would be thrice the traditional discomfort said man (yup, still me) would have otherwise been accustomed to.
The “Blog IT” test…
This is just a quick test to see how well the Blog IT application for Facebook works. It was developed by the lovely Six Apart team (Vox, TypePad, etc.).
I have been completely all over the place in terms of my e-life lately — not really committing to any one service but signing up for and testing far too many (Vox, LiveJournal, WordPress.com, Twitter, Pownce, Plurk, Jaiku, ipernity, Ping.fm, among others). The Blog IT application, from what I understand, is supposed to help curb some of the of head-spinning by offering a one-stop posting shop. This is just a test post so, I’m not going to get into any personal updates or stories incase until I know what it can do and what its limitations are.
So, yeah… you may see some pseudo-repetitive test like this until I can make up my mind, as there don’t appear to be any “Viewable by” filters built into the application. Feel free to ignore these. Or, if you have any experience using Blog IT, feel free to offer any tips that’ll help me make-up my mind quicker… one way or the other.
YouTube embed test:
Skitch embed test:
I’ll be testing more soon/later. I know you’re all just too giddy about it to contain yourselves.
nice beaver…
Decided to take part in Vectorama this month. It’s a fun little vector-based illustration contest hosted by Canada’s Sexy Geek Blogger, Mostly Lisa… who is convinced that she is not a muggle. I stumbled across her informatively, quirky, geeky site through Revver.com a few months ago and have been a fan ever since.
Vox Hunt: Awwwwww!
Show us something that makes you go "awwwwwwww."
Submitted by LittleWiseOne.
What can I say… my boys… every time. I loves’em.
Barenaked Ladies’ “Snacktime”…
Okay, so it has been far too long since I have posted anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if I barely have anyone left in my neighbourhood and have been removed from everyone else’s. I can’t really use slow typing as an excuse anymore because I have become fairly proficient at it.
"Our collective kids now outnumber the band more than 2 to 1," explains vocalist/guitarist Ed Robertson. "We set out to make a record that would be entertaining for them…not strictly a children's record, but a record that children would really enjoy. Our kids are in to all kinds of music. They love the They Might Be Giants kids records, but they also love The Beatles, Fountains of Wayne, Randy Newman, Black Eyed Peas and Green Day. Making the focus about what our kids like was a truly liberating process and fun for the whole band."
Introducing steelie-lite™ (with half the sugar of regular steelie™)…
Okay so, yeah… I’m currently the heaviest I have ever been and am trying to discover all the little ways I can remedy that. One simple little change is switching from coffee to tea (I can say “simple” because I like them both equally so, it’s not a huge travesty for me to switch). I like coffee but I find it far too bitter to drink without sugar; however, I could drink tea without sugar if I had to. So, I tend to drink my coffee sweeter than I drink my tea… using probably more than twice the sugar (I don’t measure… we’re talkin’ little spoon vs big spoon difference).
No more LoudTwitter for a while…
Wow… sorry for all the twitter-posts lately.