2011 weekly posting challenge…

So, in a nutshell, I’ve been pretty poor at maintaining my blog lately and I’ve decided this simply will not do. So, *copies pre-written challenge snippet and pastes into blog entry as own* “Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day / once a week for all of 2011.”

“I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful” but there’s a decent chance it’ll be plain and boring — I know, right some inspirin’, eh. “Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.”

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way” e-slap me if I don’t follow through on this.

Seriously, one post a week… how hard can it be?



Curious… Would you create a new blog account just to be able to leave a comment?

Okay… I have a mini dilemma.

I am trying to pare down my online sprawl that has occurred over the past number of years and one the of the big things I want to do is consolidate various blog I have into one. That being said… I realise that I’ve not been the best at keeping them up-to-date.

So, why bother then?

Well, I’ve been really wanting to get back into blogging because I’ve taken a new (renewed?) interest in writing and feel that blogging on a regular basis will help keep the creative juices flowing, so to speak. Besides, I sometimes feel like have different things to say, or new ideas to share  these days and I would like a more serious platform to share my thoughts than tweeting, plurking or pinging can really provide.

The mini dilemma?

I guess it’s really just a matter of trying to figure out where to focus my blogging energy. Like I’ve already said, I have multiple blogs but I’d like to make one my main brain dump and maybe maintain another for a specific topic. My question to you is… when you happen across a blog posting you like, on which you’d REALLY like to comment, but it requires you to create a new blog account at the host site to do that, would you? Or would you just be more inclined to be on your merry way to find another blog post you really like that allows you to comment freely?

My main blog has been over at VOX for the longest time now but its lack of non-vox-member commenting has been a real turn-off for me for quite some time now. In fact, it was one of the main reasons why I backed off blogging, “way back when”. Now that I want back at it, I’m remembering all the things I used to like about VOX: the community, template options, and all the photo, audio, video and book sharing. Alas, I still remember that commenting-thorn-in-my-side; however, I’ve started wondering… does it really matter to readers? Maybe my own personal commenting bias has been keeping me from blogging all this time when most others really have no problem signing up.

So again, my question to you, I guess more specifically this time… would you sign up for a new VOX account just to be able to leave a comment? This inquiring mind would like to know.

Thanks. :^)
