A fun (but borrowed) idea for a post…

I've been meaning to post for a while but long days, family responsibilities, late-night freelance work makes for a tired steelie. However, I did happen across steph_k_d's lj with a great idea for a post. So, like the previous “Muppet” post, I decided to borrow the idea… at least I'll be posting something. Sorry fiver00, I'll try to post something more substantial soon…

“Go to Wikipedia. Type in your birth day and month, but not the year. Then list 3 events, 3 births & 3 deaths that occured on your birthday. Post this in your journal.”

September 16 is the 259th day of the year (260th in leap years). There are 106 days remaining.

1597 – Yi Sun-sin leads 12 ships of the Korean fleet against an invasion by 133 Japanese ships. The Koreans sink 31 enemy ships and force a Japanese retreat.
1956 – Play-Doh is introduced to the world
1987 – The Montreal Protocol is signed to protect the ozone layer from depletion.

1925 – B. B. King, American musician (I knew this one already)
1956 – David Copperfield, American magician
1964 – Molly Shannon, American actress
1976 – steelie: Graphic Designer

307 – Flavius Valerius Severus, deposed Roman Emperor (murder)
1824 – King Louis XVIII of France (b. 1755)
1977 – Maria Callas, American-born soprano (b. 1923)

I also know that the first ever animation featuring Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner, “Fast and Furry-ous” was released in 1949. (I’m a long-time Wile E. Coyote fan) 😀


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A big week ahead…

Well, I decided to write over my initial VOX-test-post with something a bit more substantial… well, short but more significant.

I don't have a lot of time to post about it right now but this week, I've been given way more resposibility than usual. I'm am to essentially oversee all aspects of preparing display and event graphics for an even that happens in four weeks from yesterday. I've never done anything like this before… my managers are on vacation… all co-workers who have previously worked on these types of events — potential resources essentially — are on vacation… and I'm having a bit of brain freeze because I'm not sure of how to start.

I'm sure posting this is not the best use of my time… I don't even know what the event space looks like to plan where any graphics would go… I only found out about this on Friday morning when I was asked to “participate” in a tele-confernece, when in-fact, all I did was stared wide-eyed at a telephone as some disjointed voice — that I only know as JP — laid out the schedule of my life for the next three weeks.

First things first… I need to find out who TF JP is and get info on the space…

Oh, there will be way more to say about this four weeks from now…


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I’ve decided to get over myself…

For quite some time now, I've been doing the internal debate-thing over how much of myself I would like to share on my blog. I've decided to really just get over myself, stop my internal whining, and post what and when I feel like posting.

My first name is Stephen and my middle name is Elie. I came up with steelie by combining the two names (Stephen+Elie) when I was trying to think up a new name for my graphic design company — Steelie Design Communications — and liked it as a nickname too. I realize this little “coming-out” event of mine is far from a big deal to anyone out there, but it's a big deal to me…

..so, I wrote about it.


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If anyone has tried the online-bookmark-managing services of Blinklist, by MindValley,then you may already be familiar with BlinkLife by the same company. It is an email/blog combo service that will “change the way you communicate…” I signed up to test it out.

The service boast an impressive unlimited amount of space, 100% Spam and Virus Proof “email”, video and picture embedding (no attachements) with Blog Integration. That's right, you can embed your video clips from any (any I've tested anyhow) online video hosting services — not just YouTube and Google Video, but other lesser known and better quality services like DropShots, VideoEgg and Vimeo, just to name a few.

Now, I'm trying to find a way to create a family blog where I can invite only certain people (family) to read certain blog entries (which BlinkLife lets me do). However, when I send people email-notifications from my BlinkLife site, people are directed from sent email to my linked “username.blinklife.com” they only get to see the most recent post associated with their name and not all previous posts that have been previously sent to them. Or, at least, this is all my tests have been able to produce.

Here is a scenario that, I hope, illustrates what I am attempting to do:
Let's say I have two groups of contacts. Group A has Scott, Stephen, Marc, and Michelle and Group B also has Michelle and Marc, plus Julien, Gerald, and Thomas. If I send a “post” to Group A, Scott, Stephen, Marc and Michelle will get this message. If I then send a “post” to Group B, Michelle, Marc, Julien, Gerald and Thomas would get the second message. Also If I post a general message to the “blog” anyone and everyone can read it. I understand all of this, however, at this point I would expect Michelle and Marc to be able to see both the first and second “posts” they were sent, AND be able to see the general message that was posted. I would expect this because both messages were associated with their names and the general post is associated with nobody’s and everybody’s name.

What I understood, when I signed up, is that BlinkLife could remember who you sent the individual “posts” to and that every time they clicked on another message-link they were sent, they would always be able to see ALL email/posts that were ever sent to them AND any general messages that were posted — almost like BlinkLife could generate a custom list of “recent entries” for each person that was invited to read a message.

Ultimately it would be great to have different groups of people or individuals, able read different combinations of “recent entries” — which LiveJournal, for example, can do — without the need for everyone to create an account — which LiveJournal, for example, cannot do. Or, maybe, BlinkLife could create an option that would allow people to create “Read/Comment -only” accounts so they don't have to go through the messiness of creating a Blog account if all they want to do is keep up-to-date with what their family members have been up to. This way it would be easy to add the people with the “Read/Comment -only” accounts to a friends list. So far, in my tests, people who have a BlinkLife account CAN see a custom list of “posts” associated with their account and a “Read/Comment -only” option would allow to happen easier. Of course they would always have the option to upgrade to a full BlinkLife “blog/email” whenever they wanted to. 😉

So far, I really like what I see but, unless I'm doing something wrong, the service just seems to missing something for me get into it completely.

Now my fingers are tired and it's late here. I hope it all made sense. BTW, Blinklist is great — all of your bookmarks available all the time… Nice!



UPDATE (Okay… so it's not really an update because it's being written at the same time the original entry is… What? Okay, fine…)
LiveJournal should create the option for people to create “Read/Comment -only” accounts for all the good reasons listed above… Maybe this should be put in their suggestion box. Oh, and a pull down menu for tags associated with my account… yeah, that'd be cool too.



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My Wishlist…

Items listed in order of when they had popped into my head [Updated regularly]:

Powerballs: Neon Blue – Regular (x2)
Bowflex: Ultimate 2
Wacom Tablet: 6 x 8" Intuos 3 (GOT ONE! a 4×6") :OD
Urban Tool: Sport Holster (Yellow)

This is just a bit of a wishlist for myself. There have been a number of time that I've seen something I really liked or really needed but didn't have the money for it at the time, and forgotten what it was later. This post is just a way for me to keep track and will be updated when I find new things to lust after… as long as I don't forget what it was before before I post.

More to come…


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My PK wishlist…

Items listed in order of when they had popped into my head [Updated semi-regularly]:

Powerballs: Neon Blue – Regular (x2)
Bowflex: Ultimate 2
Urban Tool: Sport Holster (Yellow)

This is just a bit of a wishlist for myself. There have been a number of time that I’ve seen something I really liked or really needed but didn’t have the money for it at the time, and forgotten what it was later. This post is just a way for me to keep track and will be updated when I find new things to lust after… as long as I don’t forget what it was before before I post.

More to come…


Blogging doesn’t come easily…

Well, I've been trying to think of what to talk about in my next post but it's not coming to me easily… I am, overall, very new to blogging and find myself more interested in reading other peoples blogs than writing in my own. I've been contemplating the blogging scene for some time now but took forever to convince myself that anything I had to say was worth reading… maybe it's not.

A lot of people seem to pour their entire lives into their blogs… I admire that. I'm not ready to go there… yet… I haven't even included my full/actual name in my profile. I'm even reluctant to add people to my friend's list when I really don't have good reason… I'm not even sure where I planned on going with this entry. I guess I was hoping that posting period would spark something less empty and mediocre (which, ironically, is a favourite word of mine)…

Sigh… I'll come back when I feel less odd in my own skin…


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