QotD: Key words

What are your favorite and least favorite words?  Any reasons why?
Question submitted by Byrne.

Good question…

My favourite words…
Some of my favourite words are favs because [A] of how they sound, others becuase [B] of what they mean to me, and then there are those words that [C] aren’t real words but combinations of real words that just sound great and should be made into real words.

parenthetically (an aside, as though spoken in parenthesis ;O), banana, blue, fruition, angst, fusion, pumpernickel, sustenance, pop, snap, boing, slosh, rippleI could go on. Most of them are simple but I just like the way they sound.

genuine, integrity, love, family, Daddy (yeah…), honest, dream, sleep, hope, peace, sleep

As far as I know, I made these ones up: Congraduation! (congratulations on the graduation… too wordy — no thanks), shinjury (what I called it when I split my shin open), sarchasm (a place you usually want to crawl into when a joke bombs — or — where the joke must have disappeared to if nobody got it), Mount Cleverest (what I said once that made me want crawl into a sarchasm).

My favourite word-combination comes from the French translation of The Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter series… French for “choice” is « choix » [shwah] and for “hat” is « chapeau » [shapo] so they combined them to get « choixpeau » [shwapo]. Bloody brilliant!

Words I don’t like…
There are many words I don’t like because of their negative energy and the situations that they normally would have stemmed from: hate, murder, rape…

Beyond these, the words that really get under my skin are the ones I have difficulty pronouncing. I guess I don’t technically stutter but I stammer a lot with words. Partially due a “lazy tongue” my mother has said I have. Add that to the fact that my brain always wants to talk faster than my “lazy tongue” can manage…

Trouble words include: brewery (try to say this word repeatedly as fast as you can… okay, now try to imagine having a “lazy tongue” and having to work in a brewery, where you were required to use the word brewery repeatedly — awesome), sixth (why does my mouth always try to pronounce such a “simple” word as two syllables — six+th — aargh), and remember (I just seem to trip over this one every time [sigh].

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QotD: Baby Love

How cute were you as a baby/child? Let's see those baby pics!

Well, I’m not entirely sure how cute I was, but many-a-times have I heard the story about my Aunt Anne who saw my first pictures and called my mom to tell her I looked like a little baby monkey. And then to follow up on that loving remark — and I know it was — she did some digging and sent a picture of a baby monkey clipped out of the Enquirer (of all places) to my mother to prove it.

Ah, family…

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QotD: Better than the original?

What is your favorite cover song?
Question submitted by Ray.

The best cover song of all time (in my humble opinion) has got to be “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” originally by Canadian music artist, Bruce Cockburn, and covered by the Bare Naked Ladies. I wish I had the actual song to upload… I’ll try to track it down. In the mean time, here are the lyrics:

Lovers in a Dangerous Time
[as performed by the Bare Naked Ladies]

Don’t the hours grow shorter as the days go by
You never get to stop and open our eyes
One minute you’re waiting for the sky to fall
The next you’re dazzled by the beauty of it all
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

These fragile bodies of touch and taste
This fragrant skin this hair like lace
Spirits open to the thrust of grace
Never a breath you can afford to waste

Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Sometimes you’re made to feel as if your love’s a crime
Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight
Got to kick at the darkness ’til it bleeds daylight
When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

We were lovers in a dangerous time
We were lovers in a dangerous time

Oh my yes!

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QotD: Weekend Goal

What's one thing that you'd like to get done this weekend? Is there anything holding you back?

I’d like to catch up on some sleep but there is too much to do around the house, I’m a blog-junkie-newbie, I’ve got some freelance design work to do… and I’ve got nonstop (truly awesome but tiring) parenting responsibilities…

Good night all.


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