Happy New Year…

My New Year resloution is a simple general ideal with no real detailed plan of action…

I just want to be happy this year…

I want to keep on with all the things that make me happy and work at the things that don’t. I wish nothing but the best for anyone and everyone — everywhere.


Oh… and attept a video blog in the new year too… yeah…

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The big V-sec…

Well… I received a letter in the mail last Friday with the appointment date and time for the consultation for my upcoming vasectomy. Yes… I’m going to get the deed done…

I have my family… I have two beautiful little boys and their wonderful mother who was willing to go through two C-sections to get them here.

At one point I felt strongly that I wanted to have more than two children… But, I tell ya… When Little “L” was born, it felt so unbelievably awesome (in the true sense of the word) that it was impossible to imagine being blessed/fortunate enough to have it happen again… Then along came Baby “X”. Now everything feels complete.

So, yeah, I’m ready… but I’m a bit nervous… I’ve never had ANY kind of operation before — I even still have my wisdom teeth — so this’ll be a new experience for me.

My consultation is not until February 13th, so, in the mean time I’ve been doing a bit of research on my own… Trying to track down some of those “Top Ten Questions” sites to see what people's main concerns/questions are so I can prepare myself for my appointment.


So far, I’ve discovered a few things:

  • Yes, vasectomies are reversable they should be considered permenant — just because the severed tubes can be reconnected doesn’t mean everything is going to “flow” like it used to;
  • 3% of men experience some long term discomfort (okay that’s like 1 in 33 – WTF);
  • no change in sex drive (right on);
  • they use a “tool” similar to a soldering iron that cuts and cauterizes at the same time (I should have asked for one of these for Christmas);
  • vasectomies may not take… they have a “failure” rate of less than 1% — latex condoms have a failiure rate of 12% or more (Iguess if we are meant to have more we are meant to have more);
  • the entire operation takes approximately 15 minutes;
  • the sperm naturally gets absorbed back into your body — a man’s body is constantly producing sperm naturally and what ever amount isn’t used would be absorbed already anyway (cool… so no change there);
  • just because a man has had a vasectomy doesn’t mean thay are sterile right away — it can take months for the sperm to work it’s way out if the body (so pack a backup, kids);

Either way, I’ll keep you all posted on things as I discover them…


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Three doors down…

Ok… So this marks the first time I’ve written started an entry on my Palm (an old one) on the way to work (I take the public transit ferry). I was going to wait but I wanted to start this post right away…

We had a “Happy Belated Birthday” party for Little “L” yesterday. It went really well… Probably 25 people total, including adults and kids. Little “L” got all kinds of cool stuff and he seemed to have a really great time… Family, friends, food, presents, fun. Yeah, it was a good time. Hectic. But good.

So, around seven o’clock (or at least I think it was seven o’clock… maybe a bit earlier) the last wave of our guests had left for the comforts of their homes, full bellies and tottlers in tow. At this point we had a lot of clean-up to do… there was wrapping paper and gift bags all over the place. Baby “X” was a tad “emotional” from the event. He’s pretty sensitive to (over-) stimulation but did way better than we expected… we think all of the noise and yelling had eventually became a “white-noise” blanket because he fell asleep for most of the time. Thanks, little guy… but now it was time for bed.

Eventually, “T” got Baby “X” settle down, asleep, and came downstairs to where Little “X” (still a bit hopped-up on sugar) and I, were playing with some new trains he got as gifts. All was well and quiet… which was nice because peace and quiet seems rare these days…

Then we hear a loud noise outside… “T” and I looked at each other… I said, “Sound like something got hit [by a car or something] or like a [full] moving truck hit a bump.” “T” thought it sounded more like a car pulling a trailer with a bunch of loose “stuff” in it had hit a bump… either way, I got up and looked out of the window, as far as I could see in either direction, but could see nothing. I just assumed it was that noisy trailer… “T” decided to go outside and look…

A mini-van had plowed into the front of the house four doors down.

Little “L” was still awake so I went out just onto my front porch with him. We could only see a part of the van from where we stood. We were only out for a short while because it was pretty cold and I decided I didn’t want Little “L” too get to distracted and wound-up before bed. So, we went back inside to play with his trains and the police cruisers started to arrive.

After about an hour, it was Little “L’s” turn to be off to bed… we let him stay up a bit later for his belated Big Day… All was calm and quiet inside the house… Curiosity got the better of me. I had to take some garbage out anyway, so to go down a few houses and get the scoop was no real extra effort. My across-the-street-neighbours were among the first on the scene and actually helped get the driver out of the van so they seemed to be the best ones to get the story from…

The driver was INTOXICATED (upper-case as in VERY). He came zooming by our house and crashed into / along-the-side-of the car in front of the house immediately to the right of ours, which had caused the driver’s van to veer off to the right but slowing it very little. From here, the van drove through the front steps of and crashed into the front porch of house four doors down.

Nobody was injured… other than the driver who reportedly hit his head on the windshield (there was a crack in the glass) but seemed — health-wise — no worse for wear. The woman who lived at the “drive-in” house (a man and two children also lived there) was sitting by the window right next to where the van impacted. The base of the front porch was shifted a foot to a foot-and-a-half, skewing the structure. Apparently the plaster walls inside have cracks all the way up to the roof. A local radio station  reported that there was $5,000 worth of damage done to the house… that estimate seems low… not from what I could see from the outside, more from the fact that I’m pretty sure that the house is from the same era mine is (1917) and that the internal damage is probably way worse.

The driver of the van didn’t have any vehicle insurance… I’ll let you know how that plays out.

This whole thing seems eery to me… selfishly speaking, if this catastrophe had to happen at all, the timing couldn’t be better… an hour earlier, this driver and his “deadly” van would have struck (and likely killed) numerous children between the ages of six months and 2 1/2 years, and their parents, who had all left Little “L’s” party at the same time.

Part of me feels like crying.


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My two-cents on “Heroes”…

Okay, this is where those who would hate me can hate me for not being able to “let go of reality" when watching certain shows or movies that would be otherwise excellent… There are just some things that consistently bug me with TV/Movie writing… time-travelling follies are one of them.


In the last two episodes of NBC’s Heroes, one of the main characters Hiro decided to travel back in time to save a woman, Charlie, whom with he’d become recently smitten. Hiro’s friend, Ando, left back in the diner would/could NEVER have seen a past picture of Hiro and Charlie together at her Birthday party six month ago. If Hiro did go back and save Charlie then she would never of died in Ando’s time… which means he would never be sitting around waiting for Hiro to return or to give his statement to the police. Plus, Charlie would have known Hiro for six months before he “first arrived” at the diner.

Either way… Heroes is an AWESOME show… some things just rub me the wrong way and I don’t seems to be able to let go…

Can’t wait ’til next week.


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