V-sec recovery…

Well, as fair warning, this post is going to pretty much focus on my vasectomy. As of right now, I’m not sure how descriptive I’m going to get with this entry but, just in case, if ye be squeamish at all, you might want to skip this one.

So, here I sit with an ice-pack on my man-parts recovering from my first operation ever. My vasectomy was this morning at 8:00. We were running a bit behind schedule dropping Little “L” off at daycare so I had to make the father-to-childcare-provider child-handoff much quicker than usual. I felt awful. I had been away for work from Monday morning until yesterday evening and Little “L” really missed me. This morning, Little “L” did not want to let go of me. He had his arm wrapped tight around my neck and I had to literally push him off me. “And the award for worst father of the year goes to…” I know that wasn’t the case but it felt like it.

After successfully removing the toddler from my person, the rest of us hurried off to the hospital. We showed up at 7:56, a whopping four minutes early. Nice. Ladyshark dropped me off at the door so I could run in to get the paperwork started while she parked the car.

Within a half-hour I was on my way into the operating room where I was reacquainted with “Doctor” whom I had met back in February, AND introduced to the urology intern, “Intern”, who was going to be observing the operation. “Intern” was, of course — you guessed it — young, female and not unattractive… great. Well, I had to shave for the occasion so, at least I was all prettied-up for the awkward introduction…

Doctor: “Steelie, this is ‘Intern’. She’ll be observing the procedure today.”
Intern: “Hi.”
Steelie: “Hi, nice to meet you. Is this your first vasectomy?”
Intern: “Yes, it is!”
Steelie: “Hey, cool. Me too.”

Everyone chuckled. The moment suddenly felt far less awkward.

Now I’m laying on the operating table under the standard blue hospital sheets with only essential bits exposed. “Doctor” proceeds to inject the local anesthetic into said “bits” which burned a bit. I’m completely okay with needles so, this part was no big deal. Within seconds, the area was numbed and “Doctor” broke out the cutting device — it looks like a soldering iron but cuts and cauterizes the skin at the same time. This allows for small discreet incisions
and very minimal bleeding. Couldn’t feel a thing. I appreciated that.

Steelie: “So, if I’m going to sneeze, I should probably warn you?”
Doctor: [stops cutting] “That would be a good idea.”
Steelie: “Okay. Just checking.”
Intern: [laughs]

I know… I’m a f’idiot. I couldn’t help it.

“Doctor” resumes his work and is explaining the entire procedure to “Intern”. I really want to know what’s going on but now “Nurse” (the obvious distraction tactic) was talking my ear off about what I can expect in terms of discomfort once I get home. Useful information, I’m sure, but I was more interested in what “Doctor” and “Intern” were discussing. Result? I didn’t hear all of either conversation. Swell.

I asked how big the incisions were and the team informed me that they don’t really refer to them as “incisions”, per se. They prefer to call them “nicks”. Tiny, little holes through which they perform, what “Doctor” likes to call, keyhole surgery. Clever “Doctor”.

A short while later…

Doctor: “Well, um… I seems to be running out of things to do down here.”
Steelie: “Is that a bad thing?”
Doctor: “No. It means we’re almost done.”

Funny “Doctor”.

So, now I sit/lay on the couch icing (not the sugary kind) the “bits” — twenty minutes on, forty minutes off — playing on the computer. I’m a bit achy but, so far, the most pain is coming from the incisions — they burn a bit.

Sorry, I gotta cut this short suddenly but I’ll update more later.
I’m sure you’re all just thrilled.


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Apple’s Safari 3.0 Beta for the Mac… and the PC. Oh, and Camino 1.5 for the Mac… sorry PC.

So, today was the ever popular (for all the Mac-addicts out there) World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) where Apple (and other companies of course) usually announce a whole new slew of products or upgrades or technologies or… well you get my drift.

I just want to keep this post brief, as I have work to do today, so I’ll get right to the point… Today Apple released a huge update to their web browser Safari to version 3.0 Beta AND ported the application to run on Windows XP and Vista. I know that the previous version of Safari didn’t really play nice with Vox… and there wasn’t anything that the lovely folks here at Vox could do; it was a Safari problem.


When I found out that that Apple had just released a new version of their browser — which, incidentally, I had abandoned because it didn’t really play well with Vox or other “Web 2.0” sites — naturally, I had to download it immediately and try it right away. So far, it LOOOVES Vox… uh… but not so much Inbox.com (my webmail)… oops nor LiveJournal…

Hmmmm… This post is turning out to be more of an “Oh, never mind” entry than I had originally intended. I guess that’s what I guess for reviewing the update as I test it.

Well, the upgrade does indeed bring some good enhancements. Safari finally allows you to use all of the rich-text formatting features Vox and LiveJournal offer without having to use HTML code. Safari also does spell-check on the fly for any site you are using… including your status on Facebook.com. For those of you who are Tab fanatics like myself… Safari has drag and drop tabs so you can shuffle the order as desired — cool but the more I play with it, the less I realise it’s all that necessary.

Okay… I’m stopping now… I really wanted this entry to be short and precise. Looks like I blog like I talk… no exit strategy. ;^)

Summary: Safari 3.0 Beta is waaaaaay better for Vox now. But. It’s apparently still missing features I need.
Remedy to  Safari’s problems: Camino 1.5. Works with any “Web 2.0” site I’ve tried. Spell-checks on the fly just like Safari. Ad-blocker (that’s right I have an add-free Vox… seriously!). Pop-up window blocker / pop-up window warning bar. And more…


Okay… to be authentic to my test I composed this post using Safari but when I went back to add hot-links for Safari and Camino, I realised that Safari doesn’t have a “Link” button. I actually had to finish the post In Camino.

F*cking nice. Skip Safari fellow MacVoxers and MacLJers. Download Camino and save yourselves a headache.
*curses under breath*


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Jolly Dr. Rancher…

A few weeks ago I had strep throat. I took antibiotics for ten days (as prescribed) and, although my throat felt considerably, it was still a bit sore. It started to feel considerably worse over the next few days so I went back to see my doctor.

I like my doctor. He's a young doctor with a young family so he seems to like to relate to my wife and I. While he prescribes meds for illnesses like all doctors, he knows that I'm not big on putting any thing into my body that's not naturally meant to be there. He will often write a prescription for something and say, "Try doing *this* first. And if that doesn't work then go get the prescription filled." He did this today too…

I told him I was taking throat lozenges to try and alleviate the pain, which he seemed to almost have a stroke over… He explained that medicated lozenges all have some sort of antiseptic/numbing agent in them. This numbing agent makes you feel better for the half-hour that it remains active but because it’s usually a chemical numbing agent it also usually acts as chemical irritant. So, once the numbing wears off your throat feels worse… so you pop another one… feel better for a while… you feel worse… you pop another one… and so on.

Get this, he prescribed hard candies and cold water. Hard candies to get the saliva flowing and cold water to soothe the ache. Get this, a few days a half-bag of Jolly Ranchers later, my throat feel perfectly fine.

I like my doctor… and now I really like Jolly Ranchers.


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Could I be a leader? Or am I a natural follower?

Okay… So this whole blogging from my Palm Pilot On the ferry is looking to be promising. :^)

Well, I spend the bulk of today attending a leadership course set up thtrough my work. I wasn't sure if it was something I really wanted to attend but it was presented to us as something where attendence was not necessarily mandatory but was strongly reccommended… um… same thing, right? Either way, I decided to go with an open mind hoping that I might actually learn something from this pseudo-mandatory seminar away from my normal pixel-pushing day.

One of the first things they asked us to do was draw or write examples of leadership in our personal lives… this was way more difficult for me than I thought it was going to be and I knew at this point today was going to be a challenge for me. I realised that I don't necessarily look at leadership in the same way as everyone as else. People ay my table started drawing and writing immediately… whereas I spent the first half of the alloted time just staring at the paper… this was not like me.

The entire day ended being about how we view ourselves as leaders and what we could do to improve our skills as leaders. I discovered that I have some strange complex where I have great difficulty seeing myself as a leader. Why should anyone want to follow me?

I struggled with this for the entire day. Some of my collegues pointed out that I have, in my life, been in situations where I have had to take leadership roles: I used to be a teacher, I am a parent, I am a co-captian of my soccer team… and for some reason this scared me a bit. I feel like I truely want to be someone who is capabable of being a leader but in so many situations I feel like a natural follower: I felt only able to make new friends at college along side someone else who seemed to be a natural at attracting people, I've never been entirely comfortable being co-capitain of my soccer team, I don't really feel like I should be a leader in my family…

I was rather quiet for most of the seminar…

By the end of the day I felt exhausted. I have a tendancy to over-internalize in situations like this and it can be often draining. I did, however, come to some sort of quasi-resolution to my conundrum… Although I would like to be able to see myself as someone who could be a leader, in the traditional sense (visionary, commuicator, commandor…), I find that I am much more comfortable (at least for now) with the idea of being someone who leads by example, someone who can be seen as a positive role model, someone who inspires.

Still… I know I can follow… but could I really be a leader?

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This is a bit of a test buried in a mini ramble…

I just got a new Palm T|X (with portable keyboard) a very short while ago and I noticed that Vox has a mobile posting client (mini-app) for the PalmOne operating system. So, I figure I should try it out…
Life has been a combination of very busy with family duties, very busy with work, very busy with freelance work, and very tiring with the lack of sleep. I've been finding it very difficult to actually stay up-to-date much of the online socialising that I have grown accustomed to… It's been a bit of a drag.

Oh well, it't where I am in my life right now… I guess in the mean-time I'll just try and get used to being the geek on the public ferry service with the Palm Pilot and the fold-out keyboard…

This concludes our first Palm Mobile Vox application test… Thank you for your time.

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