Dear Vox…

How have you been?

I’ve been okay.
Thanks for asking.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately…
Soul-searching might be too strong of an description.
Maybe not.
I’ve really missed you. I know I haven’t written anything substantial for a while but for a while I found it difficult to be a part of your existence.
I had built a neighbourhood that I enjoyed for a long time, only… it seemed to no longer fit. I didn’t enjoy logging in. I didn’t enjoy reading peoples updates. Entries from a number of people seemed to turn angry. Constantly. I have been kinda working through some depression issues over the last little while and just couldn’t/can’t deal with it — the constant negativity.
I’m working on it.
To many people, I’m the happy-go-lucky one. I love to be that guy. Lately though, it feels more like a facade I’ve been maintaining for other peoples sake. And it’s exhausting.
I’m trying to find a way back to feeling constantly inspired. Constantly motivated. Constantly alive. I know it’s one of those things that aren’t supposed to be easy… but if anyone know of any shortcuts, let me know.

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1 comment
  1. 🙁 I know how you feel. I went through that majority of this year. If you're really tired of it all, don't force yourself to be the happy one. Not worth it. You just start to resent things for it.

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