The downside of having had a vasectomy…

When a man has had a vasectomy (let’s use me for this example) and this man (still me) were to, say, become subject to an unexpected blow (not that kind) to his “man area” by something (let’s say a rogue foot/soccer cleat), the resulting agony would be thrice the traditional discomfort said man (yup, still me) would have otherwise been accustomed to.

Yes, this man would still have experienced the throbbing (again, not that kind) he once held (not literally) to be the most debilitating sensation his person could conjure. However, each of the resultant quartet (not the singing type) of termini from the severed vas diferens would henceforth mirror the equally paralysing “sentiment” as their forefathers (two-fathers?), resulting in a sextet (not as fun as it sounds) of equally crippling nodes.

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  1. LOL! no no, the pain isn't funny, but what you've written here about it is!! I'm sorry to hear you suffered such a "blow." You gotta stay away from those rogue cleated feet…!

  2. a bag of frozen peas and someone to wait on you hand and foot for a few days! those won't take away the pain but might help…there'll be a spring in your step in no time!!!

  3. oh man – so sorry for your pain. but here's two thumbs up for going through it. us women totally are thankful for men who go through it rather then have their wives go through it.

  4. Gotta find the bright side to situations like these. Ladyshark said taht she was thankful that I clarified what kind of “blow” I was referring to. ;^)

  5. “…someone to wait on you hand and foot for a few days!”

  6. Thanks. It doesn’t make sense to me to have the woman go through with it. After 1 1/2 weeks I was out going for a jog with absolutely no problems. After 1 1/2 weeks, the woman would still be cringing with every laugh, cough or sneeze. It just doesn’t make sense… it is far from an equal trade-off.

  7. I winced in pain reading the description… yikes. Just be sure the sons dont step or bounce on you this week too!!!

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