We had to take Little X into the doctors for his 18-months shots yesterday evening / last night (long wait). He had to get two needles and was a real pro… didn’t even acknowledge the first one and only whimpered slightly for the second one. I was very proud of him. In addition, Big L was really well behaved, especially since it took us almost two hours to get into our appointment. Very proud of him too.
Well, of course, with every appointment, the doctor checks weight and height for your records. And, of course, we all weighed ourselves while we waited for the doctor to come in the examination room.
I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life…
I weigh 174.5 lbs…
Through most of my tewnties I was anywhere between 155 lbs and 160 lbs…
Last year I was 165 lbs…
I’m not “out of shape” but I am in the worst shape of my life which, I realise, is a relative. As my wife pointed out, I have more muscle on me that I did a year ago thanks to Parkour. However, I also have more girth around the belly than I did a year ago thanks to cinnamon rolls.
Must. Pull. Self. Out. Of. Rut.
Thankfully soccer has started back up.
That should help some.
And yet, still incredibly sexy. I wouldn't worry too much about it babe. You looked great at Christmas.
You know….it has been too long.
Yeah, it's winter. I always find that I put on about 10 pounds during winter, then it's gone by early June since I'm so much more active.
But it sucks that you (we) have to pay attention to it more than before. I was like you: 150-160 pounds my entire 20s (6ft tall), then suddenly I had to actually pay attention to what I eat. And still do.
Soccer WILL help.