Apple Releases Safari 3.1…

Apple released Safari 3.1 today. While it’s not completely VOX compatible, it appears to be 95% there. As far as I can tell, the only things that don’t seem to work are the “Decrease & Increase Text Size” buttons in the compose window. Otherwise, at first glance, it appears to be mightly VOX-o-riffic.

If you plan on downloading it, the install will require a restart so, plan accordingly. ;^)

Well, in an older “Ask Team Vox” post, I was part of the ongoing threaded conversation trying to figure out some of Safari’s incompatibility issues and exploring alternatives.

An ongoing issue with VOX’s QotD formatting (that I wasn’t previously aware of… clearly I don’t use it enough) was brought up by Rube Burrow:

Still not able to answer the QotD in Safari – the text stays in the “quoted" style of the initial question. No idea why this is the case – even with Safari 3.1 on Mac or Windows. Any movement on this?

Now, see… I have this problem where I can’t help trying to trouble-shoot things that, more often than not, are way over my head. Luckily, every once in a while, things fall into place…

I figured out a little work-around for the QotD issue… on the Mac version of Safari at least anyway — unable to test it on a PC. Right after you click on the Qotd “Post your Answer” button, in the “Compose” window, give yourself a Return then click the “Begin Blockquote” button then the “End Blockquote” button. This will remove the “quoted” formatting and restore the indent to what it would have originally been before the “quoted style was added.

Additionally, as mentioned above, the other big (only?) shortfall I can find, so far, is in VOX’s “Compose” window where the “Decrease Text Size” and “Increase Text Size” buttons don’t work properly. My pseudo little work-around for this one is to select the text you wish to format and Control+Click (or Right-Click) to bring up the system’s Contextual Menu and select “Font > Show Fonts”. You can change the text’s size as well as most other formatting options.

Hope this helps.

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  1. Wait, does this mean I should switch *back*???

  2. Not sure… Have you tried it with eBay yet? Even then… nothing says you have to change back.Apparently, there is an issue with the QotD formatting… but yours truly managed a work-around. Also discovered out how to make the text bigger and smaller using Safari. Still trying to sort it out completely so, I’ll let you know when I’ve got it.

  3. I'd like to switch back if I can. There are things I'm not crazy about with Camino (the auto-fil doesn't seem to be working…dunno what's going on there). Yes, keep me posted. In the mean time, I'm going to download the latest version (presuming its Tiger compatible)!

  4. Ooo! So far so good! Ebay seems to be working alright. As does Chapters (another site I had lotsa problems with). How 'bout you?

  5. I lied…Chapters isn't working right. Poo.

  6. What is giving you troubles on the Chapters site? I’m trying to remember if I had any or not…

  7. For starters, oftentimes when I do a search it comes back with "this page cannot be loaded." Secondly, it never ever displays my chosen stores and their stock no matter how many times I choose them. Grr. In Camino I never have these problems.

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