The Vinyl Cafe…

I know have a favourite thing to do on my way into work Mondays morning’s… listening to the most recent podcast from CBC’s Vinyl Cafe as read by Stuart McLean. “The Vinyl Cafe stories are about Dave… Dave's wife, Morley, their two children, Sam and Stephanie, and assorted friends and neighbours.”

I used to listen to this show on CBC radio all the time. The way that Stuart McLean reads these stories are as charming and as much a part of the experience as the stories themselves. You can’t help but feel like you’ve known the characters your whole life.

With the TV/radio programming virtually always set to appease the wee lads, it’s been a long time (probably years) since I’ve been able to tune in. Hooray for the podcasts!

Here’s one of my recent favourites, it’s from last week, simply titled “Wally”.

CBC Vinyl Cafe - Wally (2008-03-08)
CBC Radio: Vinyl Cafe Stories

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  1. I couldn't agree more about Dave, Morley and the kids feeling like part of my family. They've been with me all my life! I bought one of Stuart McLean's books and it just didn't cut it for me — Stuart really makes the stories come alive. And so radio/podcast it is! I love podcasts too for my transit rides. Have you ever checked out Outfront? Some good stories there too — real, live people stories. Some don't have happy endings (like Stuart's always do) but there's most often interesting and thought provoking if not entertaining. Check it out!And while I'm making recommendations, steelie, I think you might like Tapestry (also a podcast). It's not necessarily light (sometimes it is), but really interesting. Considering the conversations we've had about religion, I really think this show will resonate with your 'clouded' religious views.I'm all for promoting anything CBC radio. I'd be lost without it. (As I write this, I'm 'listening' to The Current)

  2. i've never heard the broadcast of vinyl cafe but LOVE the books. i got the 'vinyle cafe unplugged' as a present one year. fell in love with it – now, it's something i read from time to time when i'm blue and need a pick-me-up.

  3. If you loved the books you definitely need to hear Stuart McLean read the stories aloud. Listen to the podcast I posted above over you lunch break. You won’t be disappointed. Well, you might be if you already have a voice in your head as to how the stories should sound. So, I’ll change that to “It’s very likely that you won’t be disappointed… and if you are, I’ll blame it one the fact that you read Harlequin novels.” ;^P

  4. There are a bunch of CBC podcasts that I’d love to give a listen to but it’s the lack-of-time-factor that’s keeping me from subscribing to them. Unfortunately, most interesting podcasts seem to be around the 1-hour mark. From the time I leave my car to get on the ferry, to the time I sit down at my desk at work is about 20 minutes which usually gives me enough time to take-in an episode of VC or some National Geographic video-shorts.

  5. smart ass! 😉

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