Some twitter bits from yesterday…
- 09:44 Made it into work without dying…
- 12:12 Going to Quizno’s for the first time EVER!
- 15:01 I hate trying to help people who aren’t willing to listen to what I’m trying to tell them…
- 15:42 Uhg… Headache…
- 20:45 I now have a pounding headache…
i'm a web/graphics designer. i am suppose to be designing/coding for a living yet i feel that sometimes, i spend more work trying to be a technical assistant at work. and i try to teach these less computer literate folks a thing or two so they needn't always come to me for help, but 90% of the people don't really care to learn. they just want some one else to do it for them. *grumble, grumble*