Big boy is sick again…

As a parent, there isn’t anything much worse than having a sick child you can’t make feel better.

Both my boys are sleeping right now… Big L has the flu, of the 24-hour variety (I think/hope) and Little X is just sleepy. Big L is now old enough that when he gets sick to his stomach it really bothers him. Little X, (thankfully not sick today) is still young enough to be too bothered by it — he throws up, we clean him up, he’s back to playing again. Big L, however, is big enough that his body now wretches when he gets sick and he’s graduated to dry-heaves… lucky him. That never used to happen when he was smaller.

I cried the first time he dry-heaved… tears were streaming down his face, he was terrified, nothing more was coming out, and he just kept heaving,  crying and signing, “I’m all done, Daddy. I’m all done. I want to stop.”

I still get choked up when he’s this sick but I have to put on my Superdad hat and be strong for him. I wish I had’ve been able to keep my tears back the first time. My crying just made him even more upset.


Oh… Big L just woke up.

Heh, he’s a great sport even when sick…
I really hope it’s just a 24-hour thing.

He just got sick again. Poor guy.

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  1. it's never easy to succumb to that hopeless feeling whenever our kids get sick like that. i don't blame you for tearing up the first time – i was tearing up just reading about it!i've resorted to using children's gravol. works like a charm! especially at night to get them a good night's sleep without being sick.

  2. Poor little guy. I have an incredibly sensitive gag reflex, it's all I can do to support my kids while they are sick without joining in. But other than the actual getting sick, It is so horrible to watch them feel so bad. I always feel so bad for them.

  3. I wish him a speedy recovery! and we need more dads like you in the world!!!

  4. Aww, I hate it when kids are sick. It sucks when we are, too, but at least we understand about dry heaving, etc. I hope he gets better soon!(And even sick, he's still so cute…)

  5. Children’s Gravol! I never thought of that! I’ll have to remember that for next time. Big L’s sickness woke him up in the middle of night only to throw-up in his bed. That tends to make him more upset than anything else.

  6. My wife is the same way. The last time Big L got sick she opted to clean up while I comforted him. She spent the whole time suppressing getting sick.

  7. Thanks. He’s actually doing a lot better already. And thanks for that too. :^)

  8. Yeah… I hate it too but at least I get it.

  9. Ohhh, this breaks my heart!!! The pictures say it all. My little bunny buddy…I hope he's on the up-and-up now. Give him a biiig giant hug and kiss from me, ok? And you and T hang in there too. Man, this winter has been rough for you guys. *sigh*

  10. Awww, poor guy! It's the worst feeling when they're sick and there's not much you can do about it! Also, Big L has some awesome hair! I love the longer, shaggy look. 🙂

  11. Poor guy and poor you its tough when you can't make there pains go away I hope to read a new post that says everything is good. and there was nothing too it, and the warm weather gets here then it will be band ads cuts and bruises, can't win but for short term.Hope everything turns out healthy!

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