1. Mostly, it just makes me really, really sad. I saw this at the office today and couldn't concentrate for the rest of the afternoon. I personally think Heath Ledger was a brilliant actor and his surprising death has me feeling very strange. I'm not sure why it's bothering me as much as it is… but knowing that there are evil, pathetic, hateful people out there who intend to picket his funeral simply for being gay-friendly deeply disturbs me. Quoting the Bible and talking about God's Will doesn't change the fact that THESE are the people who will burn in Hell… the ignorant fucks.I'm too exhausted and down to even write what I think about this. 🙁 It's a downright tragedy that there are people in the world whose first impulse is to celebrate a person's death and apparent damnation to hell simply because of that person's acceptance of others. The man was an extremely talented, intelligent and loving person who just left a two year old daughter behind… and his memory is being spit on.Just another example of the shit gay people get put through on a daily basis. It's a great fucking world.

  2. Apparently their Bibles don't include the passages about vengeance belonging only to the Lord, or judging not lest ye be judged. I find picketing at anyone's funeral for any reason to be in the poorest taste imaginable as a human being or remotely empathetic entity. And in this case i find it be decidedly un-Christian. And completely out of line with the teachings of Christ.Maybe the funeral will be in Australia and they will Bankrupt their church trying to get there…

  3. That's just sad. I hope that the WBC people are the one who will rot in hell.

  4. And the fact that it makes you livid just confirms the fact that you are a normal human being and not an utter whack job. If there is a hell, these people will surely be there.

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