Quick Update…

The boys and Ladyshark went to bed early tonight so I thought I’d take the opportunity to update quickly before turning in for the night myself…

Christmas was a blast. This was the first year that Little “L” was old enough to be able to anticipate Christmas and the arrival of Santa…

“Daddy, is Santa coming tonight?” “No, buddy. Nine more sleeps ’til Santa comes to visit.”
“Daddy, is Santa coming tonight?” “No, buddy. Same day, still nine more sleeps, kiddo.”

Little “L” is three years old now (wow) and he was super excited for the big day. Ladyshark and Baby “X” had woken up and gone downstairs. Meanwhile, I was still sleeping on Little “L’s” floor because he hadn’t been sleeping well. When Little “L” finally woke up, I carried him downstairs to the livingroom where all the presents were, and where Ladyshark had turned the TV on as a bit of a distraction to keep herself awake while Baby “X” drank his milk. Little “L” is a bit of a TV-junkie and immediately started watching what was on the tube and apparently lost all recollection of what was awaiting him under the tree. I put  him down and stood there for good solid minute (which is a long time if you were to count it out), completely zombied. I finally asked him if he wanted some milk and he nodded. So, I slowly started to turn him around toward the kitchen where the milk was and it was only then that he noticed that there were gifts. He’s too cute.

From there we opened gifts and had a relaxing morning and ate Christmas dinner at my parents’ place, which was nice and relaxing. Usually my other siblings and their kids are there too but they all had plans with their in-laws which left just us. I love my niece and nephews but it was nice to have a quiet visit.

I took the Thursday and Friday after Boxing day off as vacation days just for me.

Thursday, I sent the boys into daycare and dropped Ladyshark off at the ferry to go to work and I slept and then went to the mall to pick up Jared so I could see him before he flew back to Edmonton. I felt bad because I was still just plain tired even after getting some sleep and I wish I could have made for more engaging host. Thankfully, after reading his post, it turns out that a no-effort-just-hangin’-around-chatting day was exactly was he was in for too. He stayed for dinner and hung out and played with Little “L” and Baby “X”, then helped tuck them in to bed. They LOVED him. Baby “X” kept going over to Jared to be picked up — which is ultra-rare for “X”, especially upon the first time meeting them. And Little “L” had Jared read him a bedtime story and gave him a kiss goodnight too. That was a fun night. I was sad that he had to go.

Friday started out the same but instead of sleeping (which I should be doing right now) I just relaxed and did whatever I felt like. Mostly watched TV and played on the computer but managed to get some small chores done as well. Also chatted with Semblance for almost an hour-and-a-half. Friday was her last day in town before heading away to school again. I managed to see her a couple of time during her stay. Sem and I have become really good friends over the last little while. She started out as my wife’s friend from work but now she is a dear family friend, and one of my closest. I was sad that she had go.

Come end of day Friday, I went to pick up the boys to find that Baby “X” was a bit out of sorts. Not quite himself. And feeling a bit warm. Once I got him home I checked his temperature to find he had a fever of 104.7° F. Umm… *gulp*. Ladyshark was almost home so I tried to call her on her cell to give her a heads-up so that she knew what to expect upon coming through the door. Alas, she was listening to her iPod and missed my calls. So, I essentially handed Baby “X” to her as soon as she came though the door so that she could turn right around and take him to the hospital. I felt bad for doing that but Baby “X” responds better to her when he is not well. Plus there was no way I was going to take our three-year-old “L” to the hospital for hours so he get bored after five minutes and freak on me.

Baby “X” ended up visiting the emergency department three times over the holidays only to finally discover that he had a viral lower respiratory infection… viral, meaning they couldn’t do anything for it so, the poor little guy just had to wait it out. He’s fine now.

Well, I wanted to write more but I’m sleepy. I’ll try to fill in the blanks some other time… maybe next year ;^)

Wishing you all the best for 2008.
Vox-love to you all.


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  1. I've already said it, but it can't hurt to say again. I absolutely love your boys. They are beyond adorable and it's crappy that the only time I got to know them properly was right before going away again. By the time I get back there, they'll likely have forgotten me completely. :*( Love yah buddy.

  2. Oh dear oh dear. Your two boys just never seem to be well (at the same time at least)! Makes home life a series of challenges, I'm sure. I wish wellness for all of you in 2008! But mostly I hope that you can start getting real sleep so that you all can have real, un-tired time together. You deserve that and so much more.Thank you, steelie, for the overly kind compliments! Right back at ya. And I'm sad that we didn't have a chance for that cup of coffee. And I didn't get to say farewell to you in person. Poo! The worst part about going home is leaving again. It hurts. My visits home are always too short and there just isn't enough time for the people who are so dear to me.I'm glad your Christmas was merry. So fun that L is getting the hang of it! Imagine what it will be like when both the boys are in the spirit! Your house will be bursting with excitement! Wahoo!

  3. All the best in 2008 for you and your family! Glad to hear that Baby X is now better. 🙂

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