I want to go back to the way it used to be…

I’m always worried about my entries being engaging enough for my neighbours… it never used to be that way… I used to get excited writing about whatever I wanted to or felt at any given time. Part of the problem is (and no offence to you guys) I know people on VOX that read my blog so, some of the things that bother me, that weigh heavily on my mind never get shared because I don’t want to offend people or hurt, shock, or insult any of the people I actually know.

Sooo… (I know some people are going to roll their eyes at this) I’ve created another blog. An anonymous one. One I’m not sure I want anyone to know about yet. It almost feels like it should have it’s own neighbourhood. One that won’t judge me for what I write. That way, I can keep writing but keep things and thoughts separate.

The other blog will at times seem harsh, selfish and one-sided. People may not like it… but that’s okay… It’s not about them… It’s about me and my need for an outlet.

Hopefully, that way I’ll be able t get back to my former VOXing self.

I miss that guy.

Read and post comments

  1. I'm sure we don't see eye-to-eye on a number of things, but that doesn't stop you from being one of my most favorite people ever, and even though I go through periods where I am a most horrible commenter, I love to read everything you write. So keep it up!! 🙂

  2. Thanks for that, Jen.

  3. I know what you mean. I often wanted to post rants about what's on my mind but didn't want my friends and family to judge me by my words. Because of this, I set my Vox up to where everyone I know IRL is assigned to family and everyone I met through Vox is assigned to friends. I post those things I don't want the people that know me IRL to see only to my "friends", that way I have an outlet without the judgement or evil stares 🙂

  4. That would be the reason I didnt invite family and real life friends to vox.What I needed was a place I could write without wondering what they think. I have one IRL friend on here, one of those people I would share those struggles with IRL, and there is one other IRL friend I share it all with anyway. But I need someplace I can wonder about things like "when will my kids notice Aunt P and and Aunt L aren't really both their aunts, and what will I say to them then?" A subject I cant wrestle with in front of my parents, bc they are in denial.I understand completely.I have picked up a mixed neighborhood here and I like reading what goes on in other peoples minds.

  5. Alter egos are cool! We all love you just the way you are. I think I speak for everyone when I say that. So rant away if it will help you. I absolutely, positively understand. And I'm happy to be a listening ear or eye whenever you need one. No judging. Promise. Lord knows I'm not perfect…

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