Yey! I'm about half-way there! I'm reading before I got to bed which is fun but I fear I'm staying up awfully late! ("just one more chapter…just one!")
Well, Miss Competitive… Seeing as I didn’t get mine until Saturday night and was only able to read it whenever the boys were sleeping, or on a break at work, I think I did alright. ;^PWell… I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like them. I haven’t seen the movie yet so I can’t really say, but I loved the book. Do you think you might have read it too fast? I was worried I would and miss something. Meh, you can probably read like you type. I had to re-read the very end to make sense of it. I want to go back and read the end of Book Six again just to visualize a bit better.I actually got all choked up at one point…Which parts didn’t make sense (send private message, of course)?
I was exactly the same way as you. I had to read when everyone else was sleeping (or at least the boys were while Lady was working) so I’ve been up waaahaaaay too late the past few nights. In bed before 11:00 tonight, I hope.Happy reading!
I loved the book too. I've read it twice now (yeah, I know — dork) and it was just amazing. I was prepared to be disappointed, so it was a wonderful surprise to find that I loved it.
I don't read the books myself, but I depend on my sister to tell me what happens. She started reading the series (with the intent on finishing it before school starts back up) a few weeks ago. She's on the fifth book, and I can't wait 'til she finished The Deathly Hallows so I can find out what happens. =DI'm glad you liked it! That gives me hope…
I finished it the day after it was released. BEAT THAT SUCKA! 😛
Yey! I'm about half-way there! I'm reading before I got to bed which is fun but I fear I'm staying up awfully late! ("just one more chapter…just one!")
Well, Miss Competitive… Seeing as I didn’t get mine until Saturday night and was only able to read it whenever the boys were sleeping, or on a break at work, I think I did alright. ;^PWell… I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like them. I haven’t seen the movie yet so I can’t really say, but I loved the book. Do you think you might have read it too fast? I was worried I would and miss something. Meh, you can probably read like you type. I had to re-read the very end to make sense of it. I want to go back and read the end of Book Six again just to visualize a bit better.I actually got all choked up at one point…Which parts didn’t make sense (send private message, of course)?
I was exactly the same way as you. I had to read when everyone else was sleeping (or at least the boys were while Lady was working) so I’ve been up waaahaaaay too late the past few nights. In bed before 11:00 tonight, I hope.Happy reading!
I loved the book too. I've read it twice now (yeah, I know — dork) and it was just amazing. I was prepared to be disappointed, so it was a wonderful surprise to find that I loved it.
I don't read the books myself, but I depend on my sister to tell me what happens. She started reading the series (with the intent on finishing it before school starts back up) a few weeks ago. She's on the fifth book, and I can't wait 'til she finished The Deathly Hallows so I can find out what happens. =DI'm glad you liked it! That gives me hope…