I just got a new Palm T|X (with portable keyboard) a very short while ago and I noticed that Vox has a mobile posting client (mini-app) for the PalmOne operating system. So, I figure I should try it out…
Life has been a combination of very busy with family duties, very busy with work, very busy with freelance work, and very tiring with the lack of sleep. I've been finding it very difficult to actually stay up-to-date much of the online socialising that I have grown accustomed to… It's been a bit of a drag.
Oh well, it't where I am in my life right now… I guess in the mean-time I'll just try and get used to being the geek on the public ferry service with the Palm Pilot and the fold-out keyboard…
This concludes our first Palm Mobile Vox application test… Thank you for your time.
Darn it, eh? Life always seems to get in the way of having fun! *LOL*Great to read from you. Seems like you've enough on your hands to keep you busy. Hope you're well nevertheless and just keep moblogging!
Technology is wonderous, isn't it? Good to see you here regardless. I hope things let up soon although…
It's okay, be that geek — so we can keep up with what's going on with you. 🙂
How fair is it that RL prevents you from socializing on the internet?Being the geek on the ferry with his nose in a palm pilot doesn't sound so bad.. there are worse things to be… don't get mugged or anything. 🙂
Hi everyone, thanks for the comments… you’ve all convinced my to embrace my inner geek… you may regret it though. Ya just might get sick of hearing from me. ;^)
I just got a data plan on my mobile. I pretty much do not need my computer anymore since I do so much with my mobile phone. The neatest thing is that I can even watch naughty movies:) It is pretty neat, it's called Mobile TV. All I do is point my phone to sexoncell.com and they have adult mobile movies in different formats like 3gp movies, symbian, pda or whatever. If you have any other cool sites, please let me know! This one, though, even has a free daily mobile movie.