What's the best April Fool's Day prank you've pulled off or been fooled by?
I like to joke around but I’m actually not too much a prankster, per se. That being said, while I realise that this prank is not isolated to April Fool’s Day (so I may lose points for this), I have this one ongoing prank that I’ve been playing on one of my co-workers since Christmas break… so by default April Fool’s Day gets included…
Most people took the Christmas week off but I had used the remainder of my vacation time for the birth of Baby “X”. So, I worked. I wanted to listed to music without my headphones but the built-in speaker was below my desk (in my computer, oddly enough) so the sound wasn’t the greatest. I share a cubicle wall with one of my co-workers who has great external speakers hooked up to his computer. I did a bit of digging and found a small freeware application that allows you to control the iTunes on another Mac on the same network. I was able to play music through my co-worker’s speakers but control it from my own computer. It was great! What eventually made it even better is that I never told him I found this little program…
… he was off over the break… HE is a prankster… he has played a number of small tricks on me in the past and now I’m finally able to get him back.
So, since January, I’ve been randomly launching iTunes on his computer and/or switching songs on him… not all the time… and not at regular intervals… maybe a couple of times one week… maybe not until three weeks after that. It’s fun. He has no idea. I don’t think I’ll tell him until his or my last day.
I’ve “been had” enough times… I plan on milking this one for a while.
(PS: Sorry to be such a poor Vox neighbour lately… too busy for my own liking. I do read as much as possible. Just not much time to post or comment.)
I meant to inlclude this earlier… if for no other reason to help with the visualisation of how this happens and why it’s so funny to me. My favourite example to date was one time TM was having a bit of a meeting at his computer with our production manager JL. They were looking at a booklet design he had created when (and this is the gutsiest I’ve been so far… almost didn’t do it) I launched iTunes, popping it into the forground on his desktop. JL said, “What was that?” TM replied, “I don’t fucking know. iTunes launches itself sometimes and I can’t figure out why!”
I was on the other side of the cubicle wall in a silent laughing fit.
I know some of you will think this is mean of me… but anyone who knows him would LOVE the idea that someone is putting (a harmless) one over on him. I mean, hey…. the guy shot the manager of the HR department in the testicles with a toy pingpong-ball gun he has at his desk. He’s due.
I'm assuming you're talking about TM and that makes this all the better. 🙂
My computer is always messed up that prank would make me absolutely crazy…
Jared: Why yes, you are correct… I would be speaking of our friend, Mr.TM. He’s actually not that fond of the prank (surprise, surprise) and he’s just swithed over to a new Intel Mac Pro, so I’ll have to wait a while until I do it next to make it less suspicious. My next move is to pretend it’s happening to my computer, “Hey… that’s messed. My iTunes just launched itself,” which is what he said when it first happened. I want this to be fun for a long time. ;)Thanks, BTW, glad to see/you’re being equally geeky with opacity masks. V’nice!KeyLimeTwist: You wouldn’t have to worry in my office… like I said, I’m usually not much of a prankster. Mostly because constant pranks get on my nerves sometimes. However, I just had to make an exception here… not much sweeter than the prankster getting pranked. I just hope he thinks it funny when he finds out.