What was your favorite game to play at recess in grade school?
Submitted by Elisheva Chana.
A number of us made up a game we called two-step tag. I was essentially your standard game of tag where one person was “it” and they had to try and tag someone else to make them “it”… except… you had to stay on the playground equipment at all times. Of course there were always some pieces of playgroung equipment that were too far to jump to, so we decided to allow players to take two step between pieces of the “safe” equipment. If you took three steps, you were automatically “it”. There were no tag-backs (couldn’t tag the person who had just tagged you). And we played almost everyday for years.
It’s funny… I’ve actually been thinking about this game recently, what with my new foray into Parkour and all. 😉
I loved that type of tag. =D Too bad there isn't a specific name for it… Your description pretty much covered the idea though. Aw, I miss the good ol' days of playing tag. It was such a simple game, and it definitely kept me in shape (healthy) as a kid.
I know what you mean… it was such a simple game but I cannot remember ever refusing to play two-step tag… I could run forever as a kid. This game has actually inspired me to write/create a Parkour movie short that takes us through parts of our city in a grown-up attept to “tag” one-another while obstacle course racing through the urbanscape.I’ve got some mapping out and testing to do first but I think it could be fun.
Ha ha! Somehow in reading what you wrote about the film idea, I (of tired brain) interpreted it as you playing tag with unwitting strangers throughout the city. Now *that* would be a funny movie! Can you imagine chasing a stranger on the street (who might very well run away in fear…although you're not scary), hitting him/her and yelling "YOU'RE IT!" and then running away?! I think jail time would ensue…