This is the way it ought to be…

Well, the reason is not actually the best — Little “L” is home today with a mild case of pneumonia — but I’m working from home today. These are special circumstances where I essentially don’t have any vacation time left and have no babysitting/support options today to help out Lady “L” look after the two munchkins.

Suprisingly, I’m getting a lot done. I wish I could work from home everyday.

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  1. [get well soon]Hope little "L"'s okay.

  2. I hope Little "L" gets better. (-__-) That has to be tough…

  3. PNEUMONIA!!?! Ok…I gotta call you guys. How the heck did this happen?!?! Gees that sucks. Hope he's taking his meds a bit more cooperatively this time…I'm sending all of my fairy-tooth-godmum healing love his way!!

  4. Poor "L". Hopefull "X" won't catch anything. T must have been glad to have your help today though.
    C was home, too, with Teg today as when we picked her up yesterday she looked like a wet rag and had a temp of 101.5 They're at the duty doc right now.
    Poor little ones.. too little to be sick.

  5. Poor thing! I hope Little L gets better soon.
    I know what you mean about working from home. I was able to work out a deal with my company for a few months after my maternity leave was up. Unfortunately, the deal ended in October so I'm trying to show the benefits of telecommuting. I just get so much more done!

  6. Hey eveyone,Thanks for the well-wishes for Little “L”. He’s doing very well… we went back for a follow-up appointment Yesterday and this doctor (walk-in clinic = less wait time) confirmed that it was pneumonia that he “had” and that we are to take him in to see our family doctor in a couple of weeks for a follow-up… once his antibiotics are done with.I’ll keep you guys posted.Cheers.

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