My two-cents on “Heroes”…

Okay, this is where those who would hate me can hate me for not being able to “let go of reality" when watching certain shows or movies that would be otherwise excellent… There are just some things that consistently bug me with TV/Movie writing… time-travelling follies are one of them.


In the last two episodes of NBC’s Heroes, one of the main characters Hiro decided to travel back in time to save a woman, Charlie, whom with he’d become recently smitten. Hiro’s friend, Ando, left back in the diner would/could NEVER have seen a past picture of Hiro and Charlie together at her Birthday party six month ago. If Hiro did go back and save Charlie then she would never of died in Ando’s time… which means he would never be sitting around waiting for Hiro to return or to give his statement to the police. Plus, Charlie would have known Hiro for six months before he “first arrived” at the diner.

Either way… Heroes is an AWESOME show… some things just rub me the wrong way and I don’t seems to be able to let go…

Can’t wait ’til next week.


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  1. that bugged me, too. but, you know, i guess it is *only tv* 😉

  2. okay, that totally makes sense. i knew there was something off about that.

  3. It was bothering me during the whole episode last night.In my mind the only movie (or TV show for that matter) that got time travel right was Bill & Ted.

  4. They could have done it if there was no photo referencing the change to the past, if they had Hiro go back and fix things to save her THEN have Hiro come back to present day where Charlie was still alive and Ando had no recollection of anything being wrong. Of course this meant that Sylar would have, conceivably, been killed or captured from when he went back… then the Cheerleader would need no saving… and he would have saved the world himself… and the season would have ben a lot shorter ;O)They could have also done it so Hiro went back to make sure she was alright then xome back to meet Ando just as he had left him. This unforunately would have saved Charlie in only in another timeline but she’d still be dead in his original one. He would have to be okay with knowing that she were alive in the other timeline because in this case, she wouldn’t be alive in his.I warned about the geek alert.–steelie

  5. I thought the exact same thing…. but you totally blew past me in the geek races. I tend to be pretty lazy when watching shows like this. It's like,

  6. Have you seen "The Lake House"? If I started with the details it would go on forever. Cute story but, wow, so not scientifically consistent.

  7. Oh, man. The only reason I made it through Lake House with my brain intact is to *not* think about the whole different time period thing. Especially when he died…but didn't die…and didn't meet her at the restaurant…but then he was okay…whew. Other than that, it was cute. 🙂

  8. I never actually had the chance to see Lake House though it looked interesting… Is it worth the rental? Or will the time-thing drive me nuts? Thoughts?–steelie

  9. Like Jen said, depending on how much you can ignore the time stuff. For me, the cutesy story between Keanu and Sandra wasn't enough to save the movie from the horrible timing issues. And I wasn't even annoyed by how much it wasn't being scientifically possible – I was just so horrendously confused by it all! "Wait, what year is it? Are we in her year or his? How did the letter travel? How did the paw print get there?!" The confusingness of it all took away from the movie!

  10. Yup. Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

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